Architect payment


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We have almost finished completing our house build. We employed an architect to draw plans and oversee the house build and each stage payment. A BER assessor came out and has told us we need solar panels. This will cost almost 3,000 and we hadn't budgeted for this. Also the first time we heard of it! My question is surely the architect should have known this wasn't done before now and should have noticed on his visits? He was probably out out about 3 times when he was supposed to be out 20. We have paid him upfront. Almost 10,000 he was given before the house build started. He has told us this will cover everything. In essense I've two questions: Do most architects require payments upfront and who is at fault that the solar builders wetent put on before now? Contractor, architect or both? Thanks for any insights.
When did solar panels become mandatory?!
all PP beyond a certain date need a renewable element as per Part L (,27316,en.pdf)
The Part L TGD above is dated 2011 where it says from 1/12/2011 with some transitional exemptions.

No comment on payment terms as its history.

Nothing to do with Contractor.

What is the date of the original PP or did you bother with planning?
When did building work start?
Why did the BER assessor only emerge now?
perhaps there is some other way the RE portion has already been met?
What is the A saying about it?
What did the Air tightness test number come out as

The more detail you provide on the actual build the more help we can try give.

IMO, perhaps the Solar PV option might be easier to do
Thanks. Well solar panels are our best option now and we are able to put them in without changing cylinder in hotpress. The BER assessor came out and made a recomendations and give these to our contractor. We never saw it. The contractor admitted he overlooked that solar panels were recommended. Other things on report were highlighted. This was not. So we will be getting some but just an added expense we hadn't forsaw. When air tightness test was done we came out a 3.
Also we got PP after March 2014 when new regulations came out. House build started about February 15.
Nothing to do with Contractor.
This assumed that the BER guy was working for you and not the contractor which seems to be the case here, which is not normal.
Who did the A/T test and who supervised it?
Also we got PP after March 2014 when new regulations came out. House build started about February 15.

Irrelevant, that is simply the Building Control Amendment Regulations (BCAR).
The requirement for renewables has been in since before 2011.

Whoever is signing off on the build as compliant with Building Regulations should have highlighted this to you well before now.
Who has detailed your air tightness details?
Are you aware that an Air Tightness test has to be carried out at completion too?