Architect / architect technician needed




Can anybody recommend an architect or technician or even a draughtsman that could draw up some house extension plans for me, for planning permission. I am in the lucky position that I already have the builder organised, but all his contacts are mostly way too expensive or unavailable.:( The house is currently approx 1200 sq ft and we are looking to increase it by another 600sq ft. I'm in Dublin 16.

Thanks in advance!
try [broken link removed] not sure if they have architects yet but it is a great site for all tradespeople
Hey tradesmen,

I'm pretty sure if you check the charter you'll see you must state any interest you have when recommending a particular company or person, site etc.

I'm assuming you have an interest in that site due to your username and the fact I've seen you recommend it about 5 times now out of your first 20 posts.

By the way, I've also seen you give useful help to people so I'm not getting on your back, just stating how it works around here. Don't think there'd be a problem if you declared your interest when recommending (though I'm not 100% on that).
You're talking about 50% of your house space as an extension. If it was me (and it wouldn't, because I like to think I can design my own spaces) I would talk to an RIAA qualified architect. A technician or an engineer will only (in my experience) draw up your space from a building (rather than living) standpoint.
Thanks for your replies.

Tradesmen only have 4 architects in Dublin and only 1 in my area:

Extopia - yes you are absolutely right, I am definately designing my own house. We know exactly what we want and where we want it, all we need is somebody to draw the plans for us - we even have our own hand-drawn ones done to scale! There are so many names on the RIAI website that it's hard to just pick one - :confused:

Anybody else out there with any ideas or contacts?

We tried to do an extension using just an engineer to draw up plans and advise on structural issues (essential by the way for structural safety (don't trust the builder!) and for certifying at the end) and ended up hiring an architect also because there are so many issues that arise throughout a project like this its well worth having a professional on your side to advise and fight your corner if necessary. It can be hard to get people to come on board once the project has started so I'd advise getting a RIAI architect from the beginning also - the RIAI thing is important as we discovered anyone can call themselves an "architect" without having any actual qualifications.

Re finding one, you could try contacting people named as the architect in building projects featured in Irish interiors magazines.
OhPinchy said:
Hey tradesmen,

I'm pretty sure if you check the charter you'll see you must state any interest you have when recommending a particular company or person, site etc.

I'm assuming you have an interest in that site due to your username and the fact I've seen you recommend it about 5 times now out of your first 20 posts.

By the way, I've also seen you give useful help to people so I'm not getting on your back, just stating how it works around here. Don't think there'd be a problem if you declared your interest when recommending (though I'm not 100% on that).
Thanks for that advice, i did not fully read the posting guidelines when i first came across this site ,so for the record. i am the person who has set up the website i have been in the construction business for 29 years. Have spent time learning a few different trades, will only take on the ones i am completly confident in, i subcontract the others. Have been constructing conservatories / sunrooms for the last 7 years under the name Elite Conservatories. I also carry out repair works for insurance companies. I undertake a lot of tiling, timber floor laying and shower repairs.I dont think there is anything left out, wasnt hiding these facts just didnt want to blatantly advertise myself!If anyone needs to contact me my email address is
Steve Guerin
A good firm is Quinn Hartnett Architects based in Shankill. No number, but afaik they're in the book.