April 08 Car import- Vat payable?


Registered User
I`m bringing in a Car from the North next week. I see on the revenue website that Vat is payable on cars 6 months or under or under 6K kilometres. This car is an April 08 with 14K miles - no Vat payable?
have you answered your own question more than 6k kilometres so no vat payable!!

oops a double think there, april 08 to now is not 6 months but it has over 6k so wait until 6 months is up on 7 October 08 = 6 months save 21% vat, am I missing something?

oh go away, and have a read of the OP again, the car reg date is april 08 sis its patently obivious that the car is less than 6 months old but only by a few days so they wait for the 6 months to be up and then pay no vat - simple really.

Be careful with this, guy I work with imported a January 2008 ford focus last month, ex dealer demo with only 1500km's on it.

He was under the impression that he didn't have to pay vat, but appartently revenue website is worded very poorly. When he went to tallaght to pay VRT he got stung for VAT also.

It has to be more than 6 months old AND more than 6000km's to avoid the VAT!
Revenue have clarified matters including adding some examples:-

[broken link removed]

Examples from website

Vehicle 5 months old with 8,000km - chargeable to VAT
Vehicle 7 months old with 5,000km - chargeable to VAT
Vehicle 7 months old with 8,000km - not chargeable to VAT

Be sure the date on the sales invoice is more that 6 months from date of first reg. You may be asked to provide this to revenue.
Does that mean you need to bring in the car net of vat from the north or does it mean you pay vat in the north (17.5% I think) and the balance down here or even worse 17.5% in the north and 21% on top of that down here


Car @ 10k plus VAT at 17.5% = €17500
Or 10K plus Vat at 17.5% = €17500 Irish vat balance 3.5% +€612.50 total €18112.5
Or 10K plus Vat at 17.5% = €17500 + 21% Irish VAT = €3675 total €21175
Revenue have clarified matters including adding some examples:-

[broken link removed]

Examples from website

Vehicle 5 months old with 8,000km - chargeable to VAT
Vehicle 7 months old with 5,000km - chargeable to VAT
Vehicle 7 months old with 8,000km - not chargeable to VAT

Be sure the date on the sales invoice is more that 6 months from date of first reg. You may be asked to provide this to revenue.

Close one! I`ll ring and find out Orig reg date of car - if its first registered late april I may hold off. As matter of interest would Vat have been charged inclusive of VRT or just on the amount I paid for car in North?
Does that mean you need to bring in the car net of vat from the north or does it mean you pay vat in the north (17.5% I think) and the balance down here or even worse 17.5% in the north and 21% on top of that down here


Car @ 10k plus VAT at 17.5% = €17500

Not sure, but I think you can get the car less VAT and pay down here instead...vaguely recall another thread indicating this, I'm sure someone will confirm.

But aside, your maths is wrong. €10,000 + 17.5% = €11,750
Similarly with the other computations above
oops a double think there, april 08 to now is not 6 months but it has over 6k so wait until 6 months is up on 7 October 08 = 6 months save 21% vat, am I missing something?


Can I ask where you are getting the '7[th] October' from? It isn't clear when in April it was first registered(?) - or is it the based on the month rather than the exact date?
Update: Car first registered 22nd April. So if I collect and pay say 24th October & nake sure invoice is dated then I should be O.K?
Is there any other options?