Approx cost painting outside windows


Registered User
We have 4 b/r semi detached house with single storey extension. It has been many years since we got the outside windows painted some of which are wood and some steel. I am completely out of touch with costs nowadays and am wondering roughly what range of price would be reasonable. A simple paint job is only required.

Shoving paint onto a window is easy any fool can do that.

The hard part is doing the prep work.

If you think of a window a day @ €200 a day that should be loads.

When I'm working on old sash windows I allow my painter 1 day per window to prep, sand, fill, prime, sand, undercoat, sand, undercoat and then gloss.
Thanks SLF. I know your method is the ideal route but I would be happy with something less thorough. Does anyone know roughly what a painter would charge daily on basis that all materials are provided by the house owner.