From DCC Site
Dublin City Council offers affordable housing only to those on its
Affordable Housing Panel.
Application forms for the Panel are available from:
• Affordable Housing Unit - Telephone: 222 5020 or
• Website:
The short form application is simple and easy to complete. A €50
application fee is required.
You are not required to verify any information to get onto the Panel.
However, full verification of the provided information and income details
will be required in the event of you being offered a property.
Affordable properties will generally be offered as follows:
1 Existing tenants of Dublin City Council or
a Voluntary Housing Association 10%
2 Those living within the Area Committee
Boundary where the development occurs 30%
3 All other eligible applicants 60%
Selection by way of lottery will be completed when demand exceeds
supply. Once offered a property, you need to pay a booking deposit of
€3,000 to confirm your interest in purchasing it.