Approach by ESB to switch back from Bord Gais and 9% discount.

Up Rovers

Registered User
Had visit from ESB this week offering a 9% discount because "ac has always been paid on time/in credit".

Signed transfer papers but just double checking the small print as there is a 14 day cooling off period. Have read through all the documentation and don't see any problems so far.

Reading through the previous threads here it mentions that it is necessary to stay with Airtricity for a year but that does not seem to apply to the Bord Gais account and the rep confirmed this?

Has anyone moved back with this offer and if so have you experienced any problems?

Bear in mind that discounts such as 9% or whatever are almost certainly on unit charges only and not on your total bill - e.g. things like standing charges and PSO levy (?) etc.

I'm getting a good deal at the moment with Airtricity but am considering switching elsewhere in coming months because they seem to be all over the place with their invoicing/billing and I'm having to spend an inordinate amount of time checking their arcane bills and getting them to look into and rectify billing issues.

I was previously with BGE and before that ESB. I have found that you can sometimes haggle to get a better deal than is on offer by default especially if you hint/say that you might look elsewhere.
I was approached by Airtricity to day to switch back to them because aparently they have a great deal at the moment which will save me up to, 14% in Year 1 and 8% in year 2. I am currently with Bord Gais.

Any one have any views or better still does anyone know who is the best company to go with?
Changed to Airtricity 3 months ago & found them fine to date. Bills have been on time & correct as I input the meter reading directly to my account following receipt of a text prompt from them.
I've had problems with Airtricity billing as well. You had better keep an eye on them. Didn't get a bill for 6 months and then got a whopper. The price though is pretty good.