Appointments to the Credit Union Advisory Committee

Brendan Burgess

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The Minister for Finance is seeking to appoint 2 suitably qualified candidates to the Credit Union Advisory Committee.
The Minister invites applications from suitable persons at an appropriate senior level with financial and business expertise as well as having excellent communication and relationship-building skills.

The principal requirement is that applicants have a thorough understanding of credit unions. In order to be considered a person must have expertise and experience in, or relevant to credit unions in one or more of the following areas:

Business Analysis
Risk Management
Information Communications Technology
Corporate Governance
Accountancy, Finance & Economics
Financial Regulation
Credit Management
Investment Management
Consumer Advocacy
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CUAC members receive a fixed annual fee paid on a quarterly basis as follows: €3,705 per annum (Chairman); €2,470 per annum (Ordinary member). Travel and subsistence expenses are paid in accordance with the Department of Finance guidelines.