Dealing with the banks is a lot of hassle - if you don't have the time (or the patience), I would consider a broker.
It's a minefield out there, and I put in long hours learning about and researching all the different issues that have to be considered when I bought my first home last year. Going with a broker would have eliminated all that, but I'm the type of person who just has to do these things myself, for better or worse.
At one stage down the line, after a number of headaches with the banks, I did consider handing the job over to a broker. I contacted [broken link removed] (I think he posts on here sometimes). To my surprise he actually talked me out of using him, as he was straight up and told me he couldn't get me a better deal than the one I was already approved for.
In addition, he suggested a few things which ended up saving me money (for free), and to top it all off, he actually pays you to deal with him, as he refunds you a portion of his commission after the deal is done. Definitely one of the good guys.