Applying through all banks for mortgage at same time


Registered User
My mortgage approval is up this month and going to re-apply. I will be going through a broker but was also thinking of applying through every bank to see if I can get a lower deposit requirement from one of them. I don't see any issues here but if one bank turned you down for what ever reason would that have effect on other banks approving me. What about going through maybe two different brokers as well?

You can only submit one application to a bank. There is no point in you submitting the same proposal yourself and through a broker.

A broker will also have the calculators and tools available to see where you have the best chance (within the banks on his panel).

Remember, the broker only gets paid if you close with him so if you are doing a solo run, be up front with him about it.

Steven (

Wait until you get a (decline) before going elsewhere, with a (decline) you might figure the reason,
eg if it is obvious you can,t afford a k200 but can afford a k150 there is no point in a;pplying to another lender for k200.
eg. if you have a poor credit rating then no point in applying to anyone.(always a good idea to do your own ICB , Irish Credit Bureau check yourself , you can do it online .