Applying for UK & Irish pension separately


Registered User
Has anyone any thoughts....

I have begun the application process with the UK Pensions Centre for my UK pension (19 full years of contributions + applying to buy voluntary NI).
I'm now looking at the Irish Pension Contributory form application & reading " we will apply to that country (UK) on your behalf".
I would rather apply independently & keep them separate.....
Is this possible, am I within my rights to do so?
I'm an Irish citizen turning 66 years. Worked in both countries. Now living abroad in the EU.
Yes, you can apply separately. Some previous threads:

Yes. You can keep them separate. It’s only if your combining contributions that it matters and it won’t for you.

Now living abroad in the EU.
Make sure to get the tax right, might be worth taking paid advice in your country of residence.