Applying for C2


biz hopeful

I am looking to apply for a c2 for my husbands new company. Firstly is it difficult to obtain one of these from the revenue? He should be able to get a letter from the principle contractor.
Secondly the form asks for business premises rental details, at present our home is the registered company address and we are not charging the company rent, how important is this section - can I ommit it.

If he doesn't receive a C2 can he only reclaim the 35% tax deduction on an annual basis?

Thanks for any help
Yes, a C2 is difficult to get. Has your husband a clean tax history for the past 3 years?

You should complete all the sections of the form. There are bound to be follow-up questions, so you want to get as much out of the way up front as you can.

The RCT regulations are changing. Previously a sub-contractor could apply for the 35% refund at any time, and if his tax affairs were in order, get it. Now the deducted amount is to be seen as tax paid on account, and set off against income tax etc.
There will in future be a 20% deduction category, for those subs who do not qualify for a C2 cert but have substantially complied with their tax obligations over the previous 3 years.
Hi there

Looked into this for a client lately and decided that it wasn't worth applying due to the imminent changes in RCT process. Tax office stated that any tax deducted at 35% can be refunded by filling out another form, so you wouldn't have to wait until year end. This seemed like a reasonable course of action until the changes being made are clearer
