Applying for a lien application


Registered User
Applying for a lien after serving a 'notice of intention' - can the applicant for the lien submit more than 1 applicantion or is it only 1 lien application per notice of intention?
can the applicant for the lien submit more than 1 applicantion or is it only 1 lien application per notice of intention?
The application for a Lien (I assume you mean apply to the Property Registration Authority, PRA) is done by filling up Form A and forwarding it to the PRA. Attached to Form A must be the Notice of Intention (Form B) and also the original title deeds.

To answer your question it would seem that only one application is possible because there can only be 1 original title deeds and also only 1 Notice of Intention.

This is from my own personal experience for a Lien application on my property.

Hope it helps.