Application for Disability Allowance


Registered User
Hi all, looking for some advice for a family member.

An application was made for DA back in May last year, he was told a month later by SW office that it was being processed but they were back-logged due to not enough Dr's available to process all the applications (their words not his).

A text was received a month later (June 2012) saying the application was received and being examined.

He's not heard anything since and he's wondering how much longer should he be waiting for his application to be processed.

Anyone else been waiting this long?
Waits of over a year are common enough. If you then have to appeal you are looking at another 12 to 18 months on top of that.
Bijou, time is correct in the waiting period involved. but a sure way to shorten this is to contact your local TD with your enquiry, and ask the TD to enuire of your application re parlimentary question...of the Social protection minister Joan Burton. failing that u can email the ministers office direct. guaranteed you will be acknowledged and she will ask why so long a delay on your behalf. as the dept now claim a maxium of 17 weeks waiting period on applications, but as time pointed out appeals are over a year in being dealt with ? good luck