Appealing a planning decision

Henny Penny

Registered User
Somebody told me it is possible to appeal a planning decision to the County Council prior to going to an Bord Pleanala. Does anyone know the process involved?
I think they may be confusing things - for €20, you can register an 'observation' or an objection with the local authority before the decision is made, but thereafter you can only appeal the decision to Bord Pleanala. And it usually takes quite a lot for them to turn over the CoCo's decision...
If a planning application is granted by the planning department it can not be overturned by the town/county council. It has to go to ABB.

If a planning application is rejected then that decision can be overturned by a council.
Thanks for clarifying that for me imperator ... I knew there was an appeal process at council level but I just wasn't sure exactly what.
It's called a 'rule 4' and basically involves a council meeting whereby on majority vote, they can overrule a planners decision to refuse planning permission for a (usually large) development.

You'll need a fairly influential councillor or TD on your side.