Appartment: Is it true "Better to beg for forgiveness than to ask permission?"



Got this "words" from my next door neighbour when I asked him how did he manage to get permission to build/install under stair WC in his appartment . we both have appartments for this 999 years lease thing , that I can't really undrestand how it is working , but as far as I remeber , when I bought the place , my solictir told me that i am not allowed to make any structure changes in such appartment block , he said : " you own the internal walls but not the external one " ... please adive as I am bit lazy to go all the way to upstair toilet when the couch is warm and "Friends" is on :)
Re: Is it true : " It is better to beg for forgiveness than asking for permission ? "

He could be using a saniflow system which means he might easily hook into the existing plumbing withour ever touching the outside wall. You can get persmission from the management company to do external work. It may require a vote to get permission. Every resident could choose to sue you if you do any damage, unlikely but it is always best to get permission if you need it. Too many people involved to run the risk in my eyes.
Re: Is it true : " It is better to beg for forgiveness than asking for permission ? "

Making any structural changes in breach of the covenants contained in the management agreement lease/legally binding agreement is not very prudent. The management company can (and have in certain specific cases) require that any changes in breach of such agreements be undone at the property owner's expense.
Re: Is it true : " It is better to beg for forgiveness than asking for permission ? "

Thanks for clarifications . In fact changes are only internal nothing external and guess no major stucture changes that could be noticied by a survayor or so . I am sure my neighbour never got permission , but the question here , if the appartment goes for sale would the buyer's solicior notify the management company if an understairs wC for example is added to the original plan then my neighbour ( me ) will be subject to penalties?