Apartment - RAT in Attic


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I purchased an apartment with attic above which according to the deeds is the property of the managment company, the access is via my apartment, i looked up the in attic yesterday to discover rat dropping all over the attic and the insultion (100mm) seems to be rotten in places (Rat urine possibly), the insulation is 14 years and according to the surveyors report needs to be replaced, there is also water damage on the plaster board in my sitting room which seems to have orginated from the attic, the question is who is responsible for bearing these costs, myself or the managemnt company who owns the attic. I should also not that there is no cover on the cold water tank.
That sounds like a matter that is urgent?!!! I would call management company asap. If this attic is over your apartment only then its probably your responsability..and if its your water i would get it covered asap as you are probably showering etc in rat urine+water...not very hygenic. Get clarification from management company but get it done. if its the responsabiity of the managemetn company and you find out this in hindsight then you can claim the money back .
chances are the rat is long gone....but make sure if you are up there to wear gloves. Have you heard any movemet up there?

How far does the attic stretch? If it covers a few apts, and they all have access hatches, how does this work out for security?

The attic is approx 700 sq ft and it's above my apartment only, there is only four arpartments in the block with a block gable wall seperating the two top floor apartment attic spaces.

I haven't heard any noise yet but i am only living there four days so far, what conerns me is the water damage to the celling, either its the rat, a leaking pipe or the roof, none of which are good, i just want to know who should shoulder the costs since the managment company are responsible for the space, as for the rat not being there the rat dropping are unfortunatly fresh, soft if compressed with a stick, well some are...

The management compnay is responsible for the building repairs as far as I know. Anyway I would shout until someone does something and it is a priority and don't be fobbed off.

BTW if you think there is definitely a rat up there as opposed to a mouse be very careful and if you see it back away carefully and don't take your eyes off it. Have something with you that you can swipe with if it jumps at you. I was attacked by a rat once. Very dangerous.
I would guess that the water tank is shared amongst multiple apartments, to get this covered is therefore a cost of the management company

As for the rat and the rotten insulation, this is also a cost for the management company. If you do not own the attic you should not be required to spend your own money on it. You also don't own the hallway outside your apartment, imagine carpeting that out of your own money :D

Check your lease with regard to the damage on the plaster board. I know on mine it states that the management will fix the leak and the damage outside the apartment, but they won't fix the damage within any of the apartments.

Hope that's of help
It is more than likely the management company but to be sure you should ask your solicitor to check the terms of your lease.
the insulation is 14 years and according to the surveyors report needs to be replaced
I dont understand this. If you had a surveyor report before you bought then your solicitor should have been able to advise on whether you or the management co. are responsible. I suspect the plasterboard is a problem with the roof which is deffo the management co. but you dont make it clear whether you have a water tank up there. Did your surveyor say anything about any leaks at the time ?
The water tank is on the other side of the attic in relation to the water damage and there is no water issues around the area of the tank, the suryeror report doesn't mention the water damage, as for the deads it doesn't mention who owns the attic as far as we know, the water tank only supplies my apartment, the access to the attic is via my apartment.
talk to your solicitor and find out where you stand also get rent to kill out to find the rat he can do a lot of damage on pipe work