Apartment Flooding



Hi all,
Any help appreciated on the following:
Just wondering what my rights are on this? My apartment was flooding due to a burst pipe(building defect)
The management company fixed the damage to the apartment.
But I had to stay in the apartment that day from morning until late afternoon at their request to let their staff and various insurance people into survey the damage. This meant I missed a day at work and as Im a contractor I lost a days wages. They never gave me the money back for lost earnings and I was told by the small claims court its a civil matter, in other words i have to get a solicitor and bring them to court which hardly seems worth it. Do I have any other options? Thanks in advance

Also a month after this which is over a year since I moved into the apartment, the timer immersion broke and im told the excess is 250euro on the insurance! I would have thought an immersion should last a few years and if not the builder should repair it?

thanks again -s
It would seem to me that if you have a case it's against against the builder not the management company, perhaps under the homebond system. Any problem we've had with the structure of the apartment we've had to go back to the builder with. Still I've never heard of insurance paying for work missed to fix a fault though.

As for immersions, they're temperamental things, sounds like you were unlucky with yours but it's certainly not a management company thing, no harm to check it out with the builder anyway.
I agree with shesells. I really don't think they'll pay up for you missing a days work, when they were fixing the damage at their cost. Also, immersions as well as most things are fiddley, they can last a day or ten years. You can always try more but I doubt you'll get anywhere with this either.
thanks for the replys. I did initially say to the builder about the missed work and he said go thru the managemnet company as they would claim it as a miscellaneous expense thru the insurance. I think they got nothing doing it this way. It just annoys me that I spend that much money on an apartment and I have to lose money thru no fault of my own. I actually used the time off to get a spare key cut so they could come and go as they pleased any other days.

i dont mind about the immersion as someone told me today, the thermostat was prob set to high. So ill know that for next time.
The builder was trying to shirk blame, think about it. You claim off the builder, he pays or his insurance pays (if indeed it's a payable claim). You claim off the management company or MC insurance, you and all the other owners pay or face an increased premium!