Aoife Quinns bank account

nothing's unlikely when it comes to the Quinn's and their evidence
After that performance today, it could be time for another march in Cavan
She said she was not sure about the figures and was not great with numbers

Understatement of the century in relation to the Quinns and their advisors.

If they just accepted that's why they're in this mess and co-operated fully with the courts they might restore their name to some extent.
I'd say this where the quinns lost the last bit of sympathy, if they ever had any, apart from self interest, you could say 379,000 reasons why the quinns now deserve everything they get.

Why the bank cant be asked for statements is beyond me! Or may the statements are at hand and another quinn is quietly digging a nice big hole. Its possible they could all end up in jail. Oh another bit, the phone with the text messages was stolen!! I thought mobile providers are obliged by law to keep all texts.
Is it possible that a bank account can exist without any paperwork and that they send you balances by phone text? I mean I do internet banking but cannot imagine doing any proper banking by telephone, expecially with such large amounts of money.

It seems an extraordinary way to manage one's spending. But maybe this is the way the very rich live.

Why didn't Anglo/Barristers/Judge ask Ms. Quinn what tax returns she has done on this income. Surely you cannot do tax returns in either Russia or Ireland by phone.

If you withdraw large amounts of cash from ATM's to pay lawyers wouldn't you keep an account of how much you paid them. And wouldn't they issue receipts.

Just noticed now that Noah said the phone was stolen. And wasn't a laptop with important data on it stolen from a car. They are exceedingly unlucky with technology, maybe they should go back to doing business the old fashioned way. I think I read somewhere that the Patriarch only does it that way and has never used a computer.
None of them seem to have any receipts for spending vast sums of money, seem to have signed off on lots of contracts with no documentation, what sort of a business were they running and why were these people being paid vast sums of money for "employment" in Russia.
Have any of them used the Father Ted defence yet :rolleyes: ?

Is it common practice for legal professionals to be paid in cash, in clumps of €20 and €50 notes ? A cheque is the obvious method to me.
So we have Aoife getting through 379k in a yr with no receipts and now Colette spends 327k in the same time....with no receipts!!! All money coming initially from the same Russian company as part of their employment contracts which was in russian and they did'nt have translated before they signed.
I'm sure glad I married none of these could I reconcile the joint cc bill every month with this type of carry on!

After all the scandals in this country for the past 20 yrs and all the once great establishment institutions that have fallen from grace, I always though that the courts were 1 of the last of the old guard which still garnered a lot of respect from the Irish people. If they don't take swift and decisive action in this on going saga, then they will go the way of the Catholic church, Govt etc and become an object of ridicule and suspicion
Lets be fair here. If you we're getting €380,000 p.a. dropping into your bank account each year from Moscow and you had no idea for what because you can't read Russian, is it any wonder your records might be a little confused. After all that wedding cake had to be paid for, the trips to Dubai (to open all them bank accounts), and other incidental expenses, sure is it any wonder there is none left.
As a family, their record keeping is not the best. Just look at all that property they cannot account for (where did it go), the claims under-provisions in Quinn Ins etc. They even lost one of their cousins "up North".
No doubt their Cavan friends will have a "whip round" to help them out.
Is it common practice for legal professionals to be paid in cash, in clumps of €20 and €50 notes ? A cheque is the obvious method to me.
The first person to introduce me to the idea of 'discount for cash' was a solicitor.
The first person to introduce me to the idea of 'discount for cash' was a solicitor.

Well then they weren't declaring it were they. BTW did you pay cash?

In relation to the Quinn's paying legal bills, these would be very hefty bills, a few trips to the ATM wouldn't do it. I guess they've never heard of cheque books or bank drafts. But if they did pay legal bills then the solicitors/barristers they paid surely have a record of the cash receipts and indeed of the cash lodgements because in this day and age I cannot think that solicitors are being paid in cash many times a week.

Every week we have the most outlandish stories in relation to what passes for business carry on in Ireland, it's like a collective madness. One day I'll have to tell my kids about all of this, but even though I'm living it it doesn't seem like reality. Was the world always like this.
. After all that wedding cake had to be paid for, .

You're not keeping up Conan, the € 100,000 (one hundred thousand euro wedding cake, I have to write it like this in case anyone in future years comes on here and thinks I got the figure wrong) was paid for by the hotel as a marketing event in order to be tax deductable so I don't think it was paid for in cash Euros but maybe the Irish hotel does payments in roubles. Or maybe, as the cake came from the US, one of the Quinns booked a flight to New York to make the withdrawals in US Dollars to pay cash for the cake. Or maybe they sent a minion to do the withdrawing.

Does Ryanair take cash I wonder. How do they manage to book flights with cash, I don't think it's possible, but they probably don't fly Ryanair. Maybe Aer Lingus or Contintental or Emirates Air takes cash.

None of the above could possible be true now could it. Happily for my own entertainment the above fairytale is nowhere near as good as the real thing.
now keep up to date people
[broken link removed]

the 2 sons-in-law of SeanSnr also got a lorry load of cash from the same Russian firm:

"Colette Quinn was paid some €340,000 while her brothers-in-law, Stephen Kelly and Niall McPartland, were paid about €260,000 and €281,000 respectively. The money was paid into accounts held by the three with Ocean Bank in Moscow and was withdrawn from ATMs here and via Visa Cards."

Mr Kelly said he was paid some €260,000 from two Russian companies between May 2011 and June 2012 and rejected suggestions it was “extraordinary and unbelievable” for him to say he had no receipts.
Mr McPartland, a solicitor, said he received a salary of some €281,000 from three Russian companies. Ocean Bank had a policy of not issuing bank statements and, while that was “bizarre”, there was “nothing sinister” about it."

Now the Quinn family had to have all sat around the past few weeks to discuss this upcoming case and their defence. And so far 4 out of 4 have come up with the same defence.... spent average of 300k each all in the same yr on the credit card and atm and no bank statements, legal fees were paid in cash with no receipts, also day to day spending with no receipts, it's not unusual to stand at an atm for 20minutes or so withdrawing a few hundred at a time until you have 5k etc etc

After sitting around discussing the case, thats their defence!!!! And their legal team are in their, arguing the case in their favour.
Thats why I could never be a barrister or solicitor...I just could'nt deal with this type of thing without going apocalyptic - i'd have no patience for it.

forget Anglo the Musical, we have a comedy show for the masses Brendan O'Carroll working on a script!
According to the IT, Evershed's, the Quinn's law firm at the time, do not accept payments in cash. [broken link removed]
Not necessarily. You should get a discount for cash, and I always look for one, because paying by credit card will cost the solicitor money, probably around 2% of the amount payable.

I fully agree with you, and so do the 2 people I am having lunch with.....Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. :)
I thought ATM's had a daily limit or at least the BOI ones I do has. Well it now shows the QUINS as they really are. I wonder will that big sign ever see the light of day again.
Well then they weren't declaring it were they. BTW did you pay cash?
I think I did, though it was all a very long time ago. It was before the days of the section 69 letters, so I found myself facing an unexpectedly large bill. When I pleaded inability to pay, he suggested a 40% discount for cash.