Anything we can do to get neighbours evicted?

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We live in a new high density development. All is generally fine but we have difficult neighbours four doors down. Last night they had a party until 5.54am and the music was as loud as if we had our own stereo on full blast.

This was not a once off and we have complained (as have several other neighbours) to the management agents on numerous occasions. The contracts signed at purchase state "no music or noise audible from outside the apartment after midnight" and there is also a clause that if the unit is rented the landlord is obliged to ensure his tenants obey the contract clauses.

The landlord soft soaps the management agents, promises the sun moon and stars but it's the same tenants that have been causing the problems for over 18 months now. At one stage the landlord claimed he had evicted two of the three (foreign nationals - as is the landlord) until we pointed out that the same three slovak registered cars are in the car park.

The Gardai won't come out as long as the noise is indoors - what can we do? Last night the music got louder as the hour got later, at 3am it was unbearable.

The obvious thing may be to approach the tenants, however they are three guys..built like brick you know whats and about as intimidating as they come.

What can we do? The landlord is in breach of his sale agreement, do we have to sue him to get a good night's sleep?
A community Garda at your local station may be able to help. There is a District Court procedure that you can commence in relation to sound nuisance, so you may need to start this procedure. You should also start firm lobbying of the managing agents AND the management company directors to take action.
Not listed I'm afraid. AFAIK landlord is a former tenant, from way back when development was built 3 years ago. Don't hold out much hope on this one.

Am a mangement co. director and we have a file a mountain high on this unit
The problem with the Gardai is also that we're in Dublin 15 and they are dramatically under-resourced. A friend in a neighbouring development saw a group of lads hanging around drinking on the playground, called them twice, her neighbour also called them and they finally arrived ten minutes after the lads broke into a car. Apparently they only had 2 cars on.
would it be worth contacting Customs / Revenue re the foreign registered cars? There seems to be a clampdown on them at the moment (long overdue in my belief), so you can hit them where it hurts, in the pocket.
It won't help you regarding the noise / landlord issue, but if it worked its a nice warm fuzzy feeling ;-)
Is the PRTB not an option also?

The PRTB deals with disputes between landlords and tenants. It cannot intervene in a dispute between tenants and a third party if the landlord doesn't ask them to get involved.

Will try them. Mentioned it to our community Garda at a neighbourhood watch meeting (we used to have over 30 foreign registered cars in a 100 space car park but now less than half that) and he said that the foreign registered cars here would fill every car park in the country, so they turn a blind eye.
The PRTB deals with disputes between landlords and tenants. It cannot intervene in a dispute between tenants and a third party if the landlord doesn't ask them to get involved.

I have contacted the PRTB myself in the past regarding rented accommodation next door to us and they were very helpful with advice.

If the landlord is not registered the PRTB can deal with the problem in this manner.
if all the neighbours are annoyed over this id get together with them all and play them at there own game , if they like to party till all hours presumably they like to sleep most of the day ?? get the adjoining neighbours to blast them out of it with steroes hoovers drills etc etc etc , sorry but my sis was in a similar situation once and this was the only thing that worked ,with her not only did they have parties EVERY night but the took her two allocated spaces aswell , so my bro who works in a garage brought 2 piece of c*ap vans and left them right outside there house for weeks ,they soon got the message ,
Where we are it's duplexes and apartments, some rented, some owned....we would never get that level of co-operation
did you think of telling the revenue about the landlord not being registered and also about the guys living their and thier cars being on the foreign reg's.
it's the revenue that deal with VRT issues.
if you feel intimidated by these guys in any way do not approcah them and also please see my thread on my issues with anti social neighbours.
you got to hit them where it hurts and that is usually in the pocket.
last thing is. ring your local politican and ask their advice.the election is tight and i'm sure they will be happy to help if they think there ia a no 1 in it for them
Tell the landlord to get it sorted, or he'll be reported to both the PRTB and revenue.
This thread is taking too much effort to moderate due to the many silly comments being posted so I am closing it.
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