anyone watching wimbledon right now- wow? the shrieking is doing my head in.


Registered User
I just switched over to wimbledon, waiting for murray but cant believe what I am hearing!!! unbelievable, how can anyone watch that???

If that is not putting the other player off I am a donkeys aunt.

Its a joke.

No I'm not watching it, so you have my vote as the craziest post this month, cos I haven't a baldies what you're on about.
No I'm not watching it, so you have my vote as the craziest post this month, cos I haven't a baldies what you're on about.
I'm not watching but the poster is probably referring to the silly grunting at a lot of players do.
I am sorry, but I just switched on as one of the ladies was serving, she gave out this almighty shriek, it sounded orgasmic, I could not believe my ears that it was the player so watched a few more rallies and it was. To me it was impossible to watch with the sound on. She won by the way and I am not surprised. It has to be heard to be believed but I hope she does not get to the final.

No sign of murray yet! I have tv on mute

Let's see. Women in short skirts making orgasmic sounds while stroking balls. Why are you complaining?
I'm a fair weathered tennis watcher but find the women are a lot worse than the men and yes it's very off putting.

Monica was the first one I remember but there was someone far worse than her, can't think of her name, her screams were being featured as a news item it was that bad.
my word, watch and listen to this and keep the speakers down, in a word,

absolute rubbish

who could pay to put up with this???

I could swear but if that's not to put off an opponent I am a dutch....
