Anyone using Teamer?


Registered User
Anybody using this website or know if it is what is says it is? I manage a soccer team & use vodafone webtext but can only send to 5 at a time, drives me crazy every time I send a text.
Hi Blue Spud

Niall here from, noticed your thread and hope Brendan won't mind me jumping in with a reply.

We launched about 2 weeks ago, and have > 4,000 members already receiving their game notifications from their managers via one click sms/email on One question we have been getting asked a lot is how come its free to use. We are currently in advanced discussions with a couple of major sponsors, and it is this which makes it possible for us to deliver the service free of charge into the future.

The site was developed by a team of people with many years experience of spending a lot of time and money getting their game organised every week. What used to take maybe 4-5 hours a week can now be looked after in 4-5 minutes. All player responses are captured in real time on the private teampage, so the managers job is made immeasurably easier. As each team is a private webspace for that team only, players and management can chat/blog/share photo's/talk tactics etc in a private password protected environment.

Anyway, thats enough of the promo (thanks Brendan, sorry for the hijack). Feel free to contact with any questions.

Yours in Sport

Appreciate the post but I am sure you will forgive me for asking other posters for an independent comment.
Teamer is excellent, i started using it this season. I manage an under 10 boys soccer team.The parents find it very helpful as they can check who we are playing and where. i also do match reports which the kids really like and they can blog as well. As i am the manager, i am also the administrator so i can keep an eye on blogs etc.Give it a go....

So far, so good and it can only get better - that is, once those that are a little bit apprehensive about using the service, embrace it and take it on board.

Some people are not comfortable with technology and throwing a new service at them can take a while. Some of you reading this will laugh but believe it or not, there are some that struggle with a P2P SMS so an automated response system takes a bit of getting used to.

But, 10/10 for Teamer.