Anyone used Tile Paint?


Registered User
Has anyone got experience of using Tile Paint?
It seems it would work out much cheaper than replacing nasty old tiles, but does it work well? is it easy to use? will it last for a few years?
any tip or thoughts... much appreciated!!
I've used it before. It's pretty labour intensive actually - sugar soaping down all the tiles, rinsing, allow to dry. Then two coats of tile paint, plus two more coats of ordinary gloss.

It's okay, but tbh nothing more than a stopgap solution - in areas of high usage/moisture, e.g. around the sink, it's starting to peel a bit, after just over a year.

Also, while it looks 'grand' it does look like what it is - a cheap, temporary solution to disgusting tiles!

Having said that, I could not have lived with my bathroom for the last year if I had left the tiles the way they were, so it's done the job for me.
cheers folks, hmm.. sounds like it's not gonna work well for a shower area, so replacing the tile may be less painful in the long run... i might give it a go anyways!!
Remember there are products out there now which allow you to tile over the existing tiles,so there's now need to pull them out!