Anyone use an airsprung memory foam mattress?


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Just wondering if anyone has an airsprung memory foam mattress and how do they find it? They're half price in argos at the moment and I'm thinking of buying one but reluctant as you can't try it out beforehand..
I had one about 3 years ago and found that it sagged badly and did not spring back into shape.I got rid of it after about a year in fovour of a traditional mattress
Thanks for the reply, vandriver - was thinking the price was a bit too good to be true!

Did you have a memory foam mattress with springs or a plain memory foam one?
Yes spring and memory foam so you can't even turn it over to even out the wear.what a waste of €1000!
Vandriver, for such an expensive matress di you not get a warranty with it ? Can I ask the make of the mattress ??
Vandriver, for such an expensive matress di you not get a warranty with it ? Can I ask the make of the mattress ??

'Airsprung' is a brand (sold by Argos and probably others also)
I'd have to go back into the shed to check the brand and its full of spiders(the shed).as for the warranty after 1 year there was a sliding scale of what % of the price they would refund and it wasn't worth persuing it