Anyone tried the Independent Digital Edition?

Betsy Og

Registered User
I get a paper with work but am considering switching to the digital edition. Anyone used it?, how do you find it? Basically it looks exactly like the paper edition but you zoom in to read articles, click a button to turn the page etc.

Might give it a trial run on Saturday. No savings on a single issue but nearly 1/3 price on an annual subscription (€200 - thats 64p per issue) see here:

Main grounds for switching would be environmental (end up with loadza paper to bin at home). Spin off benefits would be
  1. savings for employer,
  2. her indoors might get to read it during the day - wouldnt have to wait until I get home (depends on how strict the log in conditions/multiple computer users are).
  3. I'd get access to Saturday edition which dont get now as not in work.
While I'm sure I'd miss the sensation of having a pyshical paper, the read anywhere convenience, the break from looking at screens all day long - nonetheless it might be ...gulp...the right thing to do. Half the time I only get to flick through it anyway - rarely would I "digest" it.

Any opinions? I know you could go clicking the website for free to read most (all?) the articles but thats just painful, nearly defeats the purpose.
It's around 90 euro p.a. for the Irish Times full digital edition, I think 200 euro p.a. is a total con and for that you don't even get the Sunday Indo. I wouldn't buy it.

I have tried both of their digital offerings and in terms of usability they are both good and you can look at back issues etc if you don't get to read it on the day.
The computer versions seem identical in terms of software etc. Neither seem to show full screen but probably a way of getting to that.

While I'm loyal to Indo I notice the Times has morphed a bit to look like the Indo - colour on the top of the front page ooooohhhh. & I agree, hard to see why the Indo should be over twice the price, once and a half might have been sufficient ;)

Better not reveal the Times price to employer or I'd be forced to read that - what if one's world revolves around what's outside the M50 rather than within it???