Anyone tried 'Onspeed' ?

Onspeed seems like an awful hack now that broadband is so widely available and relatively affordable. Which reminds me - whatever happened to [broken link removed]? :rolleyes:
did he even do his leaving cert? With his new found celebrity status at age 16, he probably discovered girls and flagons of cider. I know thats what put paid to my future domination of the world. :lol
Thanks for the link Doc. Far be it from me to rain on your man's parade but if he has managed to disprove Shannon's Law then I'll eat my ADSL router.
ClubMan said:

Cheers, Clubman. Quite a few people seem to be of the same opinion... (sour grapes aside :D)

Maybe it'll be a case of CP = H(BS) x log2 ...?
where CP = Commercial Potential
H = Hype
BS = Bull Sh1t capacity ("Icarus", indeed...)

That said, it wasn't a bad achievement for a (then) 16-year-old!
As Eircom have refused (as they are under no obligation to and no one else is allowed) provide me with a phone line that is of a required standard to support BB (would have gone with UTV internet anyway) I invested in onspeed and I have no complaints. My internet speed for general use is noticeably quicker although not BB speed for 40.00 odd euro for the year it is 40.00 euro eircom as not getting which is worth it in itself!!!. Onspeed speeds tends to fluctuate depending on the time of day but overall I would recommend.
Google Web Accelerator

You may be interested in the [broken link removed] which does something similar by caching pages on Google's servers.

There is an article about it on ZDNet - Google tool to speed Web surfing.

Web Accelerator works by sending URL requests through company servers designated specifically for speeding site downloads. The application also can compress site data before sending it to computers.

The system stores copies of sites frequently accessed by individual PCs and automatically retrieves new data from those pages, so that a Web browser needs to process only updates to those sites when asked to load them. Google said the tool will not work on some pages, such as encrypted sites managed by financial services companies, and is not designed to speed downloads of multimedia files.

By Matt Hines, CNET
Published on [broken link removed] May 5, 2005, 8:36 AM