Am considering it, from Ulster Bank. Worries are:
1) Legal stuff, they claim they'll sort this but has anyone swtiched and found they still had to go to solicitors etc? Want to avoid if possible by using Halifax's appointed solictors.
2) General hassles, involved...are there any? We're currently going through a broker, am not sure if this will affect anything.
3) Halifax reclaiming 'free' legal fees. Been told that if we swtich within 5 yrs from Halifax we're liable to repay the freebies that entice us there in the first place. I know they offer 1000 euros towards external legal fees, but am unsure as to what they'd claim were 'internal' fees if we used their own legal team and subsequently switched within 5 yrs.
Overall, anyone with experience doing this - all comments are welcome. Thanks!
1) Legal stuff, they claim they'll sort this but has anyone swtiched and found they still had to go to solicitors etc? Want to avoid if possible by using Halifax's appointed solictors.
2) General hassles, involved...are there any? We're currently going through a broker, am not sure if this will affect anything.
3) Halifax reclaiming 'free' legal fees. Been told that if we swtich within 5 yrs from Halifax we're liable to repay the freebies that entice us there in the first place. I know they offer 1000 euros towards external legal fees, but am unsure as to what they'd claim were 'internal' fees if we used their own legal team and subsequently switched within 5 yrs.
Overall, anyone with experience doing this - all comments are welcome. Thanks!