Anyone successfully appealed VRT rate?


Registered User

Just wondering if anyone out there has successfulyy appealed the VRT charged on an import? i want to appeal based on the commonly accepted fact that the OMSP is way off at the moment - but I'd imagine I need more that this to go on? I think they would accept written OMSP valuation for the car from a main dealer, but surely they have a vested interested in giving me a high OMSP?
Is there any independent assessment they accept? Anyone successfully appealed who knows wht argument to use, without opening the whole unfairenss of VRT debate again?
Ive heard of people getting it overturned thru the use of printing off similer type & spec vehicles from autotrader, cbg and forwarding them as proof that the OMSP is wrong.

good luck!

I appealed the VRT on an '04 Clio down from an OMSP of €11995 down to €8750 in September 07.

I sent them the details of the only similar car I could find for sale, it took around four months to get the money back.

I don't know where the revenue got either OMSP value from to be honest, I think they just gave in to make me go away in the end.

You have to pay the amount of VRT requested and then claim.

Thats for replies - will do as suggested - have already paid the amount they requested - had also saved a few cheaper examples from carzone etc so will see how it goes.
Thats for replies - will do as suggested - have already paid the amount they requested - had also saved a few cheaper examples from carzone etc so will see how it goes.

Print up the cheaper examples and present them. A letter from a dealer giving a valuation won't win any appeal.
Yes, did this successfully during the summer - took a few months to get it back though.

As far as I can make out, the Revenue are aware that their published values are too high.
just out of interest, i went in 3 weeks ago to enquire about vrt on ford mondeo, they only ahd 4 door so got a guide of 5k, came back 23 october with actuall car, got a quote of 7k, told them it was way off beam, told them i was taking car back to UK, went to uk, back today vrt is now 5200 still 2 much but paid it and will appeal. its a nightmare.
