Anyone seen 'Desperate Houses'


Registered User
Anybody seen this program on RTE. Watched it last week and couldn't believe the absolute waste. I think there filled 3 skips with the owners belongings - there appeared to be no effort to recycle or offer the unwanted goods to charity shops or other organisations. At a time when landfills are a problem and we are all being encouraged to recycle i think this was irresponsible.
Thrifty said:
I think there filled 3 skips with the owners belongings - there appeared to be no effort to recycle or offer the unwanted goods to charity shops or other organisations.

I think that in our Ireland of today, one of the ultimate housing status symbols is to have a skip outside your house for a week.

"Look at me, I'm doing so well, I can throw out absolutely everything that I own and start again".
Seems a shame and perhaps i'm generalising but it does seem from personal observation that alot of people in ireland want everything new. Perhaps its because before the Celtic tiger when we had a depressed economy we always had to make do. I lived in England for years and used to enjoy browsing round flee markets, bric a brac and second hand furniture shops but they just seem to be few and far between in my part of the Country (south east). Just makes me wonder what happens to furniture and things people don't want. I had to stop friends recently throwing out a beautiful dining room set because they had gone off the dark wood look. Another friend was delighted to have them. I sometimes would love to set up a kindof bric a brac shop but i'm just not sure there's the market here for it.
Has anybody used the facility (as suggested by Ronan)? I'm trying to get rid of furniture (in reasonable condition) at present and have tried this website but I'm not getting anywhere. Any other suggestions? Don't want to throw out (a sofa and armchair) as the frames are good, the cushions are good, the comfort is good, the problem is that the material at the back of each frame has been torn by my darling pets. Someone might be able to make good use. Also have a computer desk which is perfect - one of those on wheels, with top shelf for screen, then pull out shelf for keyboard, then pull out deeper shelf for printer, then bottom shelf for PC, and a basket-y type shelf in between for docs.
Yep I've used Freecycle to get rid of some unwanted garden ornaments and computer bits n bobs. Another Freecycler gave me a garden shed. I suppose its like any market though if there is a demand for what you have, then it will shift.
Stick your stuff in the buy and sell or a local newspaper. We have bought lots of stuff like the things you mentioned locally for houses we were doing up to rent out.
Thrifty said:
Seems a shame and perhaps i'm generalising but it does seem from personal observation that alot of people in ireland want everything new.
Thrifty, I have to agree. People I know can't give away good furniture. Alot of the charity organisations refuse to take good second hand furniture of any kind. They insist on money so that they can buy new furniture.
I know that everyone is entitled to the best/new but when you just can't afford it then you just don't buy it. We have to save our money before we can buy new things. It took us several months of saving to get the latest addition to our home!
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