Anyone see "Inside Job" on the Financial Crisis?


Registered User
I went to see this last night. Well produced documentary which explained complex issues like credit default swaps etc clearly and simply. The key point seemed to be how little has changed despite Obama's promises, the tainting and corruption of the political and educational systems by the influence of the Financial Services industry, and how few were really held accountable. Many of those responsible walked away with their bank balances very much intact. Some of those involved are still leading lights in the new administration.

What was also shocking was that the failed economic theories that led to the crisis and the failure of regulation were promoted & endorsed by economists and professors from the likes of Harvard & Columbia who were themselves in the pay of the Financial Industry. This all smells to high heaven. The documentary is well-worth a look-see.
I presume this movie is only in a few select cinemas and hasnt gotten a general release? I cant see it on in any of the cinemas in Cork.

Movies like this slip through the net since The Kino closed in Cork.
I presume this movie is only in a few select cinemas and hasnt gotten a general release?

It's a documentary, more than a movie, so not the typical fodder for people with buckets of popcorn.

I watched some of it and couldn't be bothered watching the rest of it. I've seen other programmes covering this subject matter better, such as the series of 3 BBC Money Programmes (The Love of Money ?) broadcast in 2009.