Anyone recommend a good CRM system?


Registered User
Hi. I am looking at using a CRM system for my 2 person business.I have looked at zoho and heard of a system called asana.

Has anyone a recommendation for me or a testimonial on any of the above systems?

Any help would be greatly appreciated
What exactly do you want to do with the CRM?

There are plenty to chose from, but a lot follow the Microsoft Office model of too many features to be useful. Of course you end up paying for features that never get used.

Depending on what you want to use it for and what features you want, if they aren't too complicated then you can get away without using a CRM and having some simpler individual apps.

So back to the first question, I wouldn't subscribe to any until you know exactly what it will be used for (and not what you think would be nice based on sales patter). List the "must do" features, those that you really can't get by mastering some other apps (like office) and then what integration you really want.

There'll be a lot about newsletters and logging everything, etc etc, but if all you want is a means of tracking orders and invoices, they're redundant features.
If you want to track orders and invoices, you want an accounting system, not a CRM system. Zoho CRM would be a good place to start playing round, given that it's free. It will give you the chance to learn about how it can work for you. The real challenge of CRM is getting the users to keep the data current and up to date.

We use Sage and are very happy with it.

Got it from these guys (no connection):

I hope this is of help.