Anyone put down paving bricks?


Registered User
Has anyone laid the paving bricks, think they are roadstone.?

Is it hard to do, any idea of the costs involved?

Not hard at all Yop. Dig out ground, put down and compact 4" of hardcore (6" if you are going to drive on it), Concrete in edge course, lay, compact and screed 50mm bedding sand (grit sand mixed 10:1 with cement), place bricks, brush in dried sand, compact, sit back and open a beer.

You will need:

Plate Compactor
Cement Mixer
Straight timber for screed rails, 2x2 is normally fine
Consaw or block splitter for cutting bricks.
A couple of mates to help

I'm not familiar with the roadstone stuff but Tobermore and Finlay Bretton do a range of cobblelock or rumbled brick paving. Price is anything from €15 to €50 per meter depending on what you choose.

Have a look at
if you're driving on it - 6" will definitely not be enough and you will want a greater compaction ratio than is available with a plate compactor - i would go 6" for patio (foot traffic) and would be inclined to get experts in for driveway !
Nah, 6" will be plenty for traffic but you are right about the plate compactor. If you are compacting 6" of hardcore, on a SUITABLE sub grade, you would be best using a vibrating roller or a heavy duty forward reverse plate and compacting it in two or more layers. 4" would be plenty for foot traffic but no harm if you want to put it deeper.
roadstone also sell seconds, and they are a lot cheaper... sometimes at the end of a run of a certain colour of brick, the colour might be slightly different... we did or patio with such bricks, using grey and a purply colour and it looks great... i played around with different design layouts using excel until we settled on one... myself and my husband put ours down... really really easy!!!
it was a few years ago now.. but we saved about 35-45% on the normal price, if that is any use to you...
Thanks Dawn, I presume just give them a buzz and see if they have any.

Also what is the "rough guide" to laying these if you could tell us please.
Acheson and Glover make realy nice ones - we had one called "country cobble" . Near you - I think the Horkans Garden centre in Turlough sell them also the Connacht Gold in Claremorris. I can't remember the price - but they were a bit dearer than the roadstone stuff - but look a lot better. They do two sizes - and mixing them makes a better looking patio. I didn't lay them myself - paid someone else.
yep, just call in or ring them, they will let you know when they have a batch... (we used 2 colours, grey and a purply colour) with regard to laying them, we had a stone driveway all round our house, we just cleared a section outside the patio doo, still leaving some stone as a foundation. we sloped it slightly down towards the lawn, so that the water would not lie on it when it rains... hubby used wooden lats to see the lie of the ground, then boxed the section off we wanted with lats, filled it with sand, hired a whacker / compactor to level the sand, then literally decided on the pattern we wanted and away we went, the sand was wet and we sprinkled dry concrete on top as we went along before laying the bricks, when all the bricks were down, (i cant remember if we went over the top with the whacker again) we poured fine sand generously all over the top, and brushed it into it, left it for a week or so, then brushed it off.... simple as... took us an evening to lay the bricks, our patio area is about 9m by 5m..
we subsequently concreted around the patio, as we inteded to put up a balustrade around them.... which has not materialised yet lol...