Anyone know what a Canadian Drivers Licence looks like?


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Anyone know what a Canadian drivers licence looks like? I can't find anything, on Google. Even what colour?

Was involved in an incident (not my fault legally or otherwise) and the driver of the other car produced what he claimed was a Canadian drivers licence. I absolutely did not believe it was genuine. The car was an Irish registered car with L plates. Driver was not Irish or Canadian - or even European. Trying not to be racist but it is very unlikely that this guy could have had a valid Canadian licence and from the way he was driving I would say he wouldn't have been given an Irish licence if he applied.

The Gardai when called said it was a civil matter and they could only get involved if a criminal offence had been committed.

I won't be making a claim but I really think this licence was a fake and would like to save others from the stress I endured this morning, and get some justice if I can get more indication that this guy was driving without a licence.
Canadian Licences are inssued by the province and not to country. If it said CANADA on it my guess it's fake if it was one of the provinces I havea Quebec one if you wanna see it!

He produced this blue plastic card and kept waving it around, I didn't even get a proper look.

Have to go to the Garda station tonight anyway - we didn't swap insurance details (wrong I know but I was so mad I forgot to do the usual stuff) as I don't think my car is damaged and their damage is tiny and their fault but my insurance company said to go to the Garda station tonight and give them the reg of the other car and they should be able to tell me the insurance company of the car (if it is insured at all) - so my insurance company have it on their file just in case.

Will mention the licence issue anyway. Especially if the car turns out not be insured. The car had L plates, why would you need L plates if you had a full licence? Even from abroad?

I'm so annoyed with myself, I know the details you're supposed to get but I only got the reg.
The Quebec one is blue as well and white on the back many are laminated all have photos and they are the size of credit card.

Google each of the provinces and see if the cards match up from there.
Thanks, I tried google but not specifically images earlier - doh!

Am even more convinced now that it was not a genuine licence. Will definitely mention it to the Gardai now. He picked the wrong woman to mess with on the wrong day!
I agree, there are plenty of Canadian who aren't 'american looking'. and who have different accents.
You said that they weren't european which means they still could be from Canada.
Ethnicity, accent - driving style? He spoke exactly as my neighbour does and my neighbour is from another continent altogether. He said he lives in Canada, not that he was Canadian.

This is not about their race but about the guy trying to claim he had a licence, a spurious claim indeed.

One of these days some politician is going to have to have the guts to tackle the problems with foreign drivers in this country. And Irish drivers too of course.
Ethnicity, accent - driving style? He spoke exactly as my neighbour does and my neighbour is from another continent altogether.
Isn't Canada significantly multi-racial these days?
If this person was showing a fake license fair enough but that's hardly grounds for jumping to conclusions about their provenance...
Was there material damage done to your car in the accident or were you or any other party injured? Were the gardai called to the scene of the accident. Did the other party say whether he was insured or produce his insurance to the gardai?
Thanks for answering my original question. The details of the incident are irrelevant.

In speaking of the problem of foreign drivers I was referring to the high levels of accidents in immigrant populations. In speaking of Irish drivers I referred to the unacceptably high levels of people on provisional licences. Speaking from experience it took me three years to get to do my test - I was snowed off twice but even at that the delays in getting tests are crazy!