Anyone know/recommend a bricky (Dublin)?


Registered User
Hi guys and gals. I need to get 2 pillars and a small wall done at the front of my gaff in Dublin. Starting to look for a guy to do it. Can any of you recommend a bricky that you know or have had work done by?Cheers. Adrian
Re: Anyone know/recommend a bricky?

Cheers, hadnt seen that site before....good idea....
Re: Anyone know/recommend a bricky?

A tradesman operating off a mobile number? Hmmm....

Do i detect a a little cynicsm.
we're not all bad.
There's good and bad in all jobs.
Even in administration.
Note that Touch Wood has been banned for surreptitious spamming. He was posting the same contact numbers for himself as well as for supposedly recommended third party tradesmen that he supposedly knew from other jobs. I was being skeptical but in this case cynicism was actually merited.
Good catch Clubman - I had thought there was something odd about Touch Wood's posts alright but didn't give it much thought.

I do have a feeling that there are quite a lot of very new posters around here who's first posts offer recommendations for tradespeople. Not saying they are all dodgy but the cynical side of me makes me disregard such recommendations and concentrate only on those given by more established posters.
It's probably a good idea to adopt a skeptical approach to new posters who post recommendations about anything since there is no posting history to go on in order to assess the trustworthiness or otherwise of their comments.
could a poster use various names and look for a certain tradesman on one hand and recommend himself/herself in another? or am I watching too much TV
It's possible but I would be confident that somebody would spot a pattern and we would weed out such chancers. We have done so in the past.
clubman, id best be off then. only joking!!! you cant blame a person for trying. but im glad to see your on the ball. it helps to keep the integrity of the site and the people on it. when people get to know more about me i hope they will trust me. not much point me offering building advice if no one trusts my advice!