I sent my stamps to this peat bog charity. I put my name/address on the back of the packet & now receive regular updates about peat bogs, conservation, etc. etc. ( wish I didn't now!)
I've another lot saved up now, so let's see if anyone has any other charities!
Indeed we do ... They have been collected at school ... children brought them in but I need to find a suitable home for them.
The last lot we collected was posted to the Irish Peatland Conservation Council.
The child in charge of getting them sorted put a lot of effort into the letter and the packaging of the stamps and was disappointed when no acknowledement of their receipt was received from the IPCC.
.... so I need to find another (more) worthy recipient.
I tried ringing the DSPCA (their website said they accepted used stamps) today but number (advertised on the site) didn't work/ring through.