Anyone Know Latin?


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Just messing about in the local rubgy and we were thinking of adding a bit of latin to the crest, bit of a joke really but it still might happen.

I looked around the web and while there are some sites that will translate single words, it's hard to know if they are correct. It will be proably be something cheesy, but suggestions welcome. Please don't pull the P*** - it could be very embarassing to be walking around with something on the crest thinking it means one thing and ....... well you know what I mean.

Maybe something like
Fructus, Laus, Amicitia - which I THINK means - Fun (enjoyment), Fame, Friendship.

What is the Latin for AND?

Look forward to the responses.

Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo - Resolutely in action, gently in manner.

Honor virutis preamium - Honour is the reward of virtue

In hoc signo vinces - In this sign, you will be victorious. (Eusebios)

Mens regnum bona possidet - An honest heart is a kingdom in itself. (Seneca)

Non mihi, non tibi, sed nobis - Not for you, not for me, but for us

Uberrimae fidei - Of the utmost good faith

Vinci recusa! - Refuse to Lose
efm said:
In hoc signo vinces - In this sign, you will be victorious. (Eusebios)
Motto on my old school's crest-we were terrible at rugger!

efm said:
Uberrimae fidei - Of the utmost good faith

One of the principles of insurance-no thanks!
In Vino Veritas- There is truth in wine.

Was the motto for DU BREWS (Home brew society)
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Translates as Who guards the guardsmen or Who watches the watchmen....

or speaking as a rugby player "Who guards the fecking backline?"
Nil satis nisi optimum - nothing but the best is good enough, on the club crest for Everton FC. Pity they don't adhere to their motto.
Giving that's for a rugby club, what about "Mens Sana in Corpore Sano" (A sound mind in a sound body or A sensible mind in a healthy body), or "mirabile visu" (Wonderful by the sight), "Fortis et Liber" (Strong and Free)
Hi Folks,

Thanks for all the replies, I put some of your suggestions to those that make the decisions and they went with the one I started with. Although I would say they probably only chose this as I had it as a sample on a Jpeg crest.

Pity really as I would have prefered some of the other ones.

So what we ended up with is Fructus, Laus et Amicitia - Now the only problem with this is that I am not 100% sure of what it means or that the grammer is correct.

I think you can loosely translate it at Fun, Fame and Frendship - but would appreciate and corrections from your scholars.
