anyone know anthing about the estates in Muldhuddart e.g. Parslickstown or Wellview.

Re: Mulhuddart

And the poster asked "Hi, just wondering does anyone know anthing about the estates in Muldhuddart e.g. Parslickstown or Wellview." I gave my opinion. If you live in one of those areas it might explain a lot. But don`t have someone else make your mistake when they come here asking for advice!
Re: Mulhuddart

Tyrellstown is a lovely estate, We have had no trouble, In fact our house has tripled in value since with bought it, People queued over night to get houses in the new launch.

What you buying a home or a commodity?
Re: Mulhuddart

Friends of mine bought a house in The Court, Mulhuddart 4 years ago and have been very happy there and never have had any trouble as mentioned with other estates. It seems like an older estate full of families and is quite small and private. Small enough estate near the village. Hope this helps.
Re: Mulhuddart

So many experiences on this thread sound really awful. Never lived there but would advise people to be very careful as residents tackling these gangs individually would be very dangerous.I imagine there will be a huge future task force for the Gardai in tackling serious crime in worst hit areas around the country.It is such a shame as developments trying to improve areas and criminals just resent it and cause terror.Sounds really horrific.

I do have a friend in Tyrrelstown and he has had no trouble whatsoever.It is a mixed estate (first one built) with good facilities now.The only advice from neighbours experiences would be if doing any work on house or paving in front to lock materials up as would be nicked.Other than that good landscaping,lots of children about and houses look good IMO.
I've lived in Mulhuddart for 11 years. I live in Muhuddart Wood, in the village, (the court is in my estate). It's a nice quiet estate although we've had our moments in the past. My husband grew up in Dromheath and his mother still lives there and has for 25 years. She lives at the start of the estate, just across from the church and it's pretty quiet where where she is. Some of her neighbours are old timers too and are the salt of the earth. But you could be unlucky. Personally I would not like to live up there myself. The estates round Mulhuddart village are all pretty nice and quiet and there is lots of building going on now, mostly appartments. It's greatly improved since we've been here.
Tyrellstown is very nice. I have several friends who live up there and if you drive it's great. The buses aren't that good though.
My brother and his wife lived in Parslickstown for a number of years and it was a hell hole for him. When they had a baby they stuck it out for a couple of years and moved out as they said you could not raise a child in the enviroment:
The type of things they put up with:
Porch smashed with a rock.
Settled travellers (neighbours) fighting on the road.
Eggs thrown at the house.
Threats by local youngfellas.
Stones thrown at the house.
Stuff robbed from the back garden (could only be by neighbours) 3/4 times.
Joyriding (he told me one time that he counted 5 cars in an adjacent field being rallied around)
NO RESPONSE FROM GARDAI to calls (numerous times he had no response from Gardai, they just didn't want to know)
When he eventually sold up he had to have a few of us stay at the house while he moved his stuff out as neighbours kids had already robbed bbq etc from back (he saw them through window but talking to parents was pointless).
Bare in mind that all of this happened to a family who kept there head down and didn't bother anyone.
Parslickstown is a dump. Don't go near it.