anyone know anthing about the estates in Muldhuddart e.g. Parslickstown or Wellview.



Hi, just wondering does anyone know anthing about the estates in Muldhuddart e.g. Parslickstown or Wellview.
Re: Mulhuddart

do not touch them, they are extremley rough and there was an article in the herald there last week where the residents of Wellview are under siege and the guards can't do anything, I would buy elsewhere if I could how about Castlecurragh?
Re: Mulhuddart

True but I think if you are looking at that price range you would be better off with Castlecurragh, I think a lot of residents are trying to get out of Wellview at the mo but can't sell. Castlecurragh would not be as rough as the other two.
Re: Mulhuddart

Does anyone have any views on Warrenstown - think it's around the same area. Would it have the problems listed above?
Re: Mulhuddart

Have lived in Castlecurragh for nearly 3 years. Never had any issues or problems with locals. Good neighbours and quiet estate. Don't know much about other estates in the area but castlecurragh is a good choice.
Re: Mulhuddart

I've lived in Castlecurragh for the last 4 years and it has gotten really rough in the last few months.. I know some parts of it are quiet but up in the Vale there is a lot of anti social behaviour.. The residents committee had a meeting with Fingal and some garda representatives a couple of weeks ago with a view to finding ways to stop the anti social behaviour.
I have my car and sitting room windows egged and stoned on a fairly regular basis.. the next door neighbours moved out cos they were sick of their side gate been kicked in repeatadly and their side window got broken so much they ended up bricking it up.

There was a woman stabbed in the hand two weeks ago when two scumbags forced their way into her house to rob her handbag.. A woman in one of the apartments had her house robbed (while she slept) a few weeks later 4 guys decided to kick every single window in in 3 cars facing the apartments near me. it is all down to the estate beside Castlecuragh.. Dromheath.. We asked Fingal was there any chance that they could block off access to Dromheath but they said they couldnt.

The estate seems to be getting really bad.. i only hope that something is done soon to stop it getting any worse.. I used to like living there but not any more.. i cant wait to get out and i would have no problem advising anybody thinking of moving in to not do it.
Re: Mulhuddart

I know Mulhuddart very well and would advise anyone against moving into it - very rough and a lot of problems with young people. How about Tyrellstown or even the Saddlers which is just before Mulhuddart coming from Blanchardstown. I know of one person in particular who moved to an estate in Mulhuddart as it was in his price range - this guy has had to make his house into a fortress because he gets so much hassle from locals simply because he asked one of his neighbours to stop blocking his driveway with their cars. His wife is afraid to leave the house now and he can't sell it!. I'm sure there are some okay areas/people but for the most part the young up and coming criminals own it
Re: Mulhuddart

i live in tyrrelstown, im young and i think it's very quiet, pub and shops livened things up a bit, no real problems, a few kids about doing no worse than i got up to!
Re: Mulhuddart

I have lived in Castlecurragh Park for the last 3 years and have had no problems with the area at all. The Vale is having problems with Dromheath Estate which seems to have gotten worse over the last few months. As far as I am aware the Heath is pretty fine also.
The neighbours are all great and we have a great neighbourhood watch in place also.
I would recommend buying in the park or the heath but stay away from the vale....if you look at the prices the vale is selling at lower prices than the park and the heath.

I also have friends living in Warrenstown for the last 4 years and they love living there....although they say that the Castlecurragh houses are better built houses.

Thats my two pence worth...hope it helps...
Re: Mulhuddart

@Maximus.. Is there many of you involved in the neighbourhood watch scheme.. There was no mention of the neighbourhood watch at the meeting with the guards two weeks ago.

That woman i mentioned who was stabbed.. that incident happened in CC Heath.. Also part of the Tolka park was set on fire last week.. I noticed it when out walking my dog..

The Northside people did an article about that woman who was stabbed in last weeks edition.. the heading was 'Estate of Terror'
Re: Mulhuddart

We have a small group of us in a cul de sac (9 houses)...I am also aware that there is another one somewhere in the Heath...the residents commitee have all the info regarding setting a group up....i think the reason is that the estate is too large to have an overall residents there are some smaller ones beig set up....ask the residents commitee about it....

The tolka park is always going up on fire...mainly over in the Corduff area....are there still rangers in the park during the day??
Re: Mulhuddart


I live in mulhuddart in an estate called Briarwood Lawn. I have to say when I moved in, I was initially apprehensive about the area as it was all I could afford and that was my only reason for choosing it. I had for the last few years been renting in Rathmines,Rathgar and Rathfarnham. But to my joy the neighbours are very quiet everybody goes about there business. Although this is on the Blanchardstown side of Mulhuddart which might make a difference. Best of luck in your search. I would not be put off will all the negative comments but just be guided by them.I think its important to remember that everybody has bad experience's in all areas. A number of years ago I was robbed in my own bedroom in Ranelagh, so there you go.

Once again the best of luck in your search.
Re: Mulhuddart

I have friends and an uncle living in Castlecurragh and they all love it. Avoid Wellview like the plague's notorious at this stage!
Re: Mulhuddart

I've lived in castlecurragh for 3 years, never seen any problems. I was sceptical at the start but I've found it a great place to live, if it wasn't I would be long gone. I enjoy going out for jogs in the area.

The management fee's have dropped this year as the council are taking charge of landscaping the main green area's. I think its around 230 now. The residents committee are trying to get the management company just to look after the apartments, which makes sense and I think its only a matter of time until they succeed.
Re: Mulhuddart

@ MANU4... glad to hear you like up in Castlecurragh.. it is obviously just up in the VALE where all the trouble is so.. a couple of weeks back two robbed cars came from Dromheath and ploughed through the railings at the Vale.. the council still havnt replaced the railings.. just but 2 big dirty boulders in their place.

Kids are still throwing stones at mine and my neigbours' cars and house windows.. i have given up going out to them cos you get nowhere and i am afraid i will end up giving one of them such a box they will never speak again.

Rubbish everywhere, shopping trolleys everywhere, broken bottles of beer everywhere... its all too much.. and on top of that the management company want me to pay 230 euro.. no chance..
Re: Mulhuddart

I lived in Wellview for 14 years. First 6 months were good..then the trouble started. Drugs, joyriding, house breaking etc. Thing got even worse when they moved the itenerants in. If you really want to know what the area is like, try driving up one night and seeing what goes on. Bonfires with gangs of youths drinking,windows being stoned etc. Dromheath is really a no go area. Local police never come up. They`re some decent people living up there, but they`re now few and far between. On my road alone 10 families moved out in 5 years...and that`s counting from house number 1 - 20!! Decent people cant wait to get out!. Most of the locals have there kids now buying into Castlecurragh, Tyrellstown and Hartstown etc. This is one of the reasons so much resentment is aimed at people who move in from nowhere. Warrenstown seems ok, but then your between a rock and a hard place. i.e. Dromheath & Corduff. If your reliant on busses, watch out, because the busses have been stoned and every so often they`re taken off. I lived in a very rough part of Tallaght before Wellview, and it had nothing on Wellview!! If I were you I wouldn`t bother with Wellview,Castlecurragh, Tyrellstown, Warrenstown, Saddlers. I know loads of people living in these estates who have had nothing but problems. Remember 3 years ago when that poor chap had his head kicked in by a gang of locals? Check the following ;
Re: Mulhuddart

why the resentment? people have to live somewhere...I think the last post smacks of resentment. Catlecurragh/Trellstown/warrenstown ok, Wellview Dromheath kips sure everyone knows that.
Re: Mulhuddart

Tyrellstown is a lovely estate, We have had no trouble, In fact our house has tripled in value since with bought it, People queued over night to get houses in the new launch.
Re: Mulhuddart

why the resentment? people have to live somewhere...I think the last post smacks of resentment. Catlecurragh/Trellstown/warrenstown ok, Wellview Dromheath kips sure everyone knows that.

No resentment...just relief. Where you living then? Utopia?