Anyone hear any negatives about these?



Hi, Young Roy was think about buying one of these

Just wondering a) if they had received any negative publicity (like say the iPOD battery problems) or b) is there any reason that buying one from the US on the Web should be avoided?

Got one

I got one for christmas there. Absolutely brillient - the best battery life on the market, hugh memory and easily €100 cheaper than comparable ipod models + very easy to use.

Did you know that there even made in Dublin! I got mine from amazon and it was so ironic seeing the Made in Ireland label after buying it from England!

Only one thing - althought it is far smaller than a standard cd player and is easy to carry around (i listen to it when im walking to training) - if i was to go again id buy Creative Zen Micro. It costs roughly the same but is far smaller (think credit card size), it also (as far as i know) has a radio tuner. Then again it only has 5GB of storage and 12hrs battery life... either way you can't go wrong with a zen micro!
Re: Got one

I know two people who got Creative Zen Micros for Christmas. The first person had to bring it back to the shop after two weeks. It froze with the Creative logo on the screen and wouldn't turn on or off. When it was brought back to the shop they changed it immediately, no questions asked. I've just heard that the same thing has happened to the replacement.

The second person's one is working fine. No problems so far. Although the battery seems to drain even when it's turned off. Probably why they give you two batteries in the box!

Apart from all that they look and sound pretty cool!
I was thinking about getting the creative zen touch, doe anyone have one of these? I heard their actually better than an ipod (functionality-wise!!) Would 20gb be the way to go?


Macker :p

The zen is the way to go. And it doesnt matter how many albums you have or hoping to have, get as much space as you can afford.
Re: zen

Thanks lads, does it come with earphines or are there any other accessories that I should be looking at?

Re: zen

I know two people who got Creative Zen Micros for Christmas. The first person had to bring it back to the shop after two weeks. It froze with the Creative logo on the screen and wouldn't turn on or off.

When you get devices such as this the first thing that you should do is check the manufacturer's website in case there are firmware (the software that runs inside the device and implements the functionality and user interface etc.) updates available which can be downloaded and installed in order to address bugs.

One thing to note about Creative firmware is that the EU versions limit the maximum volume under some EU directive or other :rolleyes so if you find the volume a bit low (as I did with my Creative Jukebox 3) then see if the (non volume limited) US firmware is compatible and install it if necessary.
Have one

doe anyone have one of these?

See my first post above.

Thanks lads, does it come with earphines or are there any other accessories that I should be looking at?

It comes with decent earphones (white ones like the ipod), a leather case and a charger. The 20GB will hold as much as you could need - i've about 700 tracks on mine at top quailty and theres still about 15GB left.