Anyone go to see anything in the Jameson festival? Any other recommendations?

I thought Inception was poor. Great special effects but the storyline was way OTT. It just was not believable. I seem to be in the minority but I thought it trying too hard to be the Matrix and failed.

I totally agree. I found myself getting bored by it. IMO the characterisations were poor hence I couldnt keep track of whose dream it was in.
Inception was just plain daft - looked super, sounded super but in the end, bored the bejaysus out of me.
How long can it take a van to fall off a bridge "oh, thats because its in a dream within a dream within a dream...."
Blah blah, snoozeville.

The fighter, I loved.
Last night we watched 2 DVDs.

Skyline. So bad we decided it had to be a joke.

Winter's Bone. Excellent, but so dark and sad I felt like sticking on The Road afterwards for a bit of light relief!
+1 for The Fighter.

Quite bleak but very well done and great performances even by the minor characters. For those who are reluctant to watch it thinking it's "another boxing movie" it isn't, really. Well, there is boxing in it obviously but it's more of an underclass family drama. A bit like shameless minus the humour and set in small town America.

I really liked it.
Went to see " As if I'm not there" t'other night in the Lighthouse Dublin. Good story, but a tough one about the war in Bosnia. A kind of compilation of true stories made into a movie. It's in whatever language is spoken in Bosnia with sub-titles.
I totally agree. I found myself getting bored by it. IMO the characterisations were poor hence I couldnt keep track of whose dream it was in.

Watch Inception a second time!
I wasn't impressed the first time, watched it again and was blown away! Come to think of it, I had the same reaction first time I saw the Matrix but gave it a second chance
And the soundtrack is great too, Hans Zimmer is the man

I was a bit disturbed watching "The Road" especially with that basement scence and how they harvest them. Not sure if harvest is the right word. For sure if I were in that situation I'd be saving the last bullet for myself
Watched it two months ago and still can't forget the whole film, very very dark

And to wrap up wasn't mad about True Grit, couldn't understand a lot of the mumbling from Jeff Bridges
I'd put all of Nolan's films in the 75% score bracket. Inception is the same, I did enjoy it, but Nolan is just awful at dialogue and the fact that half the film is spent explaining the premise gets very annoying. Credit the audience with some intelligence and just tell the story.

Winter's Bone is about the best film I saw of late, was never in for an oscar, but that and True Grit would have been my choices.
I went to see "Fair Game" ( based on a true story) last night in the Lighthouse. Don't miss it if you like political thrillers. Sean Penn as usual plays a blinder. It will really make you think about the dirty tricks and shinanigans that goes on in The White House and about the whole war in Iraq WMD stuff. Makes you wonder what's really going on in the Libyan campaign right now.

Well put, I agree. And I did enjoy Inception too.
Saw Red and Centurion at the weekend. Red was good craic - doesn't take itself seriously - Helen Mirren as a spy/sniper? How could it?!! And Bruce Willis beating people up (quelle surprise)
Centurion was the poor mans Gladiator but I still enjoyed it - A bunch of Romans get stuck behind enemy lines in Scotland - worth a look.
Centurion was the poor mans Gladiator but I still enjoyed it - A bunch of Romans get stuck behind enemy lines in Scotland - worth a look.

Watching that film made me wish I were better at Irish. Though it was probably Scots Gaelic that tribe were speaking. Or some form of old Irish, I don't realy know.

I could still pick up the odd phrase and sentence
Went to see "Route Irish" directed by Ken Loach last night about the war in Iraq, private security contractors making tons of money and the effect on soldiers etc. Very violent and ham acted. Save your money.
Went to see "Route Irish" directed by Ken Loach last night about the war in Iraq, private security contractors making tons of money and the effect on soldiers etc. Very violent and ham acted. Save your money.

I have it booked via Sky Box Office this weekend!. I was actually looking forward to it until I realised the godawful "comedian" John Bishop is in it
Sorry bout that JP1234,. But maybe you'll like it. Don't know if you can change the movie choice, but if you can, get "Fair Game" with Sean Penn, I thought it was crackin.
Anyone seen Despicable Me? Kids animation but a lovely fuzzy feeling by the end of it. Beautiful movie.
Sorry bout that JP1234,. But maybe you'll like it. Don't know if you can change the movie choice, but if you can, get "Fair Game" with Sean Penn, I thought it was crackin.

I don't think Fair Game is on box office yet, we may go to the cinema to see it. Will probably watch Route Irish anyway as the men of the house want to see it, at least we are not wasting almost €40 going to watch it in the cinema!
I saw the new Woody Allen film 'You will meet a tall dark stranger'. It didn't get a great review in The Ticket last Friday but I found it enjoyable. It also has a great cast.
I saw a "nice" film recently called Julie&Julia. If you're into French cooking at all I'd highly recommend it.
For some reason our Box Office order didn't go through for Route Irish - will have to wait for the DVD.

We saw Source Code last night, a bit of a waste of the cost of the cinema but would be ok for a rental. I worked out the twist and who the bad guy was early on so it kind of dragged.