Anyone go to see anything in the Jameson festival? Any other recommendations?


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Anyone go to see anything in the Jameson festival? Any other recommendations?

I did see the remake of "True Grit" last weekend, watchable but not memorable.Also seen the excellent King's Speech". C4 are showing a documentary tonight @ 9pm entitled "The Real King's Speech". Should be good. Another good one on now is beiutiful (spelling ?)", a Spanish movie, well worth a look see.
Didn't see it Purple, but here's the link. Going to Anthony Hopkins new one "The Rite" at the weekend, good and scary. Hopkins has the most haunting voice.

[broken link removed]
I did see the remake of "True Grit" last weekend,

Very much looking forward to seeing that. Love Jeff Bridges and the Coen Bros generally. From the trailers, it looks a lot meaner and darker (unsurprsingly) than the original - although never understood the appeal of John Wayne anyway other than to old school men's men.

Saw Crazy Heart recently which I really liked too.

Anyone seen The Fighter?
Saw The Fighter last week, it's not bad, can get a little boring in the middle and not enough boxing IMO but worth a watch. Probably more of a rental movie than one for the cinema, but that's just my opinion. Christian Bail and Mark Walberge are great in it though so if you're a fan of either I'd recommend it.
I must be alone in finding Jeff Bridges quite irritating in True Grit and not in a "he's not meant to be liked" way either It's a beautiful looking film but I found it a bit plodding, and just not enough Josh Brolin in it for my liking.

I am really looking forward to seeing West is West, watched East is East for the first time in years last week so am hoping for a good lighthearted chuckle again.
I found Jeff Bridges hard to understand, could have done with some subtitles!

I saw The Fighter, don't know what all the hype was about really.

I've watched the King's Speech and thought it was fantastic.
I thought teh kings speech was rubbish.
I just didn't care about teh story.

A guy has a stutter - and he gets over it.

Like - why are people so taken with that story?
I thought teh kings speech was rubbish.
I just didn't care about teh story.

A guy has a stutter - and he gets over it.

Like - why are people so taken with that story?

So, your on the fence on this one? I 'd hate to hear about a movie ye didn't like
Saw the film 'the Kings Speech' (2 hours) on Tuesday night and the documentary on 'the Kings Real Speech' (1 hour) on channel 4 on Wednesday night. The documentary was better - real footage, no frills.
I have been very reluctant to get involved in a lot of the hype surrounding the world of cinema in the last decade or more, as I tended to be disappointed more often than not when I went to see these highly reviewed films.

Or perhaps I am just getting old and think they made better films back 'in my day'?

Anyway, I had some free time the other day and since it was up for 12 nominations I decided to watch 'The Kings Speech'.

OK so it was a good film, one I'd give a solid 6.5 or 7/10. But 12 nominations? Was it that good? Am I missing something?

For me the best film I watched this last year was Inception. By a mile. But then I am too busy these days to watch many films. Also enjoyed Toy Story 3. And going back a bit further also liked In The Loop, Inglorious Basterds, Sherlock Holmes, District 9, The Hurt Locker.

But with some I simply could not get what all the fuss was about examples= Shutter Island, Avatar,

Yet to see, so can't comment, are likes of Social Network, The fighter, True Grit, Black Swan.

I found myself in recent years testing out films from the foreign section of Xtravision. Saw some cracking films, like The Counterfeitors and The Lives of Others, but you would rarely see reviews of these.
Or perhaps I am just getting old and think they made better films back 'in my day'?

Sat down on Saturday with my 10yo son and watched Jaws. First time for him, first time in about 30 years for me.

Now THAT'S a movie !
Sat down on Saturday with my 10yo son and watched Jaws. First time for him, first time in about 30 years for me.

Now THAT'S a movie !

Absolute classic. Still always fall around laughing at the Drink to Your Leg dialogue!
Thought the Social Network & The Town were quite good well watchable at least!
I thought Inception was poor. Great special effects but the storyline was way OTT. It just was not believable. I seem to be in the minority but I thought it trying too hard to be the Matrix and failed.