Anyone ever sold a house to the local authority? and know what the steps involved are



Anyone ever sold a house to the local authority? and know what the steps involved are? Thanks!
Re: Anyone ever sold a house to the local authority? and know what the steps involved

It's pretty much the same as any sale. If you don't have your own estate agent/auctioneer to do it for you, you contact the councils agent who deals with house purchase. They have a look at the house and assess it's suitability and if it is suitable they make an offer. Thereafter your solicitor sends contracts to the council, the contracts have to go for the board ( usually monthly meeting) approval and the rest is the very same as any sale.

If you have any specific questions we might be of more help.
Re: Anyone ever sold a house to the local authority? and know what the steps involved

Dublin City Council have this on their website: [broken link removed]
Looks like the scheme is on hold for the moment.
Re: Anyone ever sold a house to the local authority? and know what the steps involved

Are any local authorities purchasing houses any more? My friend sold his house to his local authority but it is a few months ago now.