Anyone else gave up Alcohol?

Seriously woodbine, you will probably bang the head off the wall and say, "no, I am a real smoker as opposed to those other smokers who quit (we all think that), I can't quit, it's too hard". Its bullsh*t, you can, it is mind over body. I don't want to sound like a counsellor,I just want you to succeed but as Lex said, we all wish we never touched a cigeratte, there is always that little niggle... but you can't smoke forever, you have to do it some day and to be honest, I was so sick of thinking about quitting the cigerattes that it consummed my thoughts everytime I had one, even when I wasn't, that is why I quit so abruptly, just said to myself, 'I am sick of thinking about it, lets just get this over with'. I did it, got it over with, will never smoke again, and do think about them less and less every day. Good luck, it need not be as hard as you think, every person is different, but if you really want to quit, you can and it can be done quite easily. That is the big secret of stopping!
I quit New Year's Eve 1999. Almost three packs a day. Gave myself eight months to read up, sign up for government leaflets and get my head together. Stopped thinking/obsessing about nicotine within two weeks. I used have my own personal astral display (sparks, stars comets and just plain thingies) as I tried to clear my lungs in the bathroom each morning. All that is now a distant memory. So, woodbine, GO BABY GO!
I love my few pints of porter but, if I could turn back the clock, I'd never have touched a cigarette.

I remember my first like it was yesterday and I so wish I'd never met that lad I was trying to impress

Even now, thinking to give up again I find myself wondering how I'll cope on work breaks or the coffee (and smoke) I sometimes have with the boss after work..and what about band practise, everyone smokes and it forms a huge part of our break...........

Then again, everyone would be supportive and I can give up easily enough so long as I have my "stick".
I gave up the drink for a year a few years back and then when the year was up I never went back to it the same way again (as in binge drinking mid-20s weekend drinker plus a few scoops some weeknights if there was something on).
I found when I stopped drinking for a year that I had a friendship shake up where some previous 'friends' hated me not drinking and disappeared off my radar - interesting how my not drinking affected other people so much. I see now that it was because I was just someone for them to go boozing with.

Now I hardly ever drink, never at home, and find myself avoiding social occasions that revolve around the pub. I probably drink a bottle of wine a month now. And Id pass on that no problem.

The fags are a different matter. Have cut back to less than 10 a day since xmas but still havent managed to cut them right out.

Never had a coke addiction, hate all fizzy drinks
I do love wine. Ill own up. At weekends we have no real interest in going out clubbing etc. and we found the arrival of a baby didnt curb our social life as we always much preferred sharing a nice bottle of red (doesnt have to be French a la Mr. Vanilla ) at home with friends rather than being in a pub or club. We love learning about wines and seeing if we can recognise grapes etc (other half can, I cant really - unless its pinot noir which tastes like an ash tray to me).

I was surprised though how easy and enjoyable the none drinking life was when I was pregnant.
Well in view of the latest weather forecast, I'm definitely going for the 'oul barbie this weekend anyway.

Plus of course some cold ones. Might try that new pear Bulmers in a chilled glass, crammed with ice.

So, no - no plans to give up alcohol yet anyway.
Plus of course some cold ones. Might try that new pear Bulmers in a chilled glass, crammed with ice.

It's good but not as good as Swedish pear cider. It gives me a rotten headache though, even after one or two small bottles.
God no, not Kopperburg - that's rank. I mean the stuff you get in Sweden but I just can't remember the brand name. The bulmers one isn't as sweet as Kopperburg but it's still fairly sweet.
I gave up alcohol 4 years ago and lost nearly all my so called friends but now I've made new ones and much happier.. Now I have more interesting chats instead of hanging over the bar giving out about nagging wives (which strangely enough doesn't happen anymore).Don't get me wrong I do still socialise and do have friends that drink still but not to the amount that I used to and my old "friends" did.
After I gave up the alcohol I doubled up on the cigs (about 40 a day) so 24 days ago I gave them up as well. The benefits already from giving them up are incredible, I'm no longer breathless, I have more money, I can taste better, my clothes and house smell great, more money in my pocket and so on... I am finding it tough and using patches but I'm determined to succeed..
well done Paddy. 24 days is a great acheivement. I'm only on day 3 off the fags and i'm finding it tough.

i'm using the champix tablets cos i'm allergic to patches. I definitely think i need to get my head around the whole idea properly though. I find it's less physical cravings, than psychological. I have this feeling that there's something i should be doing all the time. Like something really important that i've forgotten to do. I'm going to try listening to the Paul McKenna cd, and some classical music just to relax me when it gets really bad.
Off the smokes nearly 3 months and really surprising myself that i'm sticking to it,went cold turkey,but think about them very little now and feel 100% better,only problem i have is my appetite is gone crazy,eating twice as much as i used to,still glad i gave them up though
I love wine but have little or no interest in other alcoholic drinks. I have cut back seriously, since Christmas, on the amount of wine I've been consuming but would hate to cut it out altogether. I just enjoy it too much.