Anyone else gave up Alcohol?

What I don't get is the coke addiction, really, it is only a mineral at the end of the day, I know it has caffeine but still...
What I don't get is the coke addiction, really, it is only a mineral at the end of the day, I know it has caffeine but still...

Yes, my thoughts exactly too.

So, who's for a BBQ at my place tonight, bring a few cans & discuss our addictions.

Well I'm on if you're getting any better weather than we are - I'll even bring the food because I actually am having a BBQ tonight. Supposedly.
Well I'm on if you're getting any better weather than we are - I'll even bring the food because I actually am having a BBQ tonight. Supposedly.

Weather doesn't matter , I've one really really big umbrella 'specially for barbies
Gave it up around 2 years ago. The Other Half has a health issue so he stopped and I found that it is just no fun drinking on my own! Plus as I got older the hangovers were getting worse. I was never one for pubs and clubs and almost all our drinking was at home, probably a bottle a couple of weeknights plus a couple each night at the weekend. We generally went for €8 -10 a bottle choices so were spending around €50 a week minimum on wine. I haven't missed it, I did have a glass poured for me at a function last year and could barely touch it.

I don't mind being around people drinking, it can be quite amusing but it can be a bit annoying that most people assume everyone drinks, for instance at work we have a employee of the month and the prize is a bottle of champagne, at Christmas our boss bought us all a bottle of wine ( even though she knows I don't drink), and the OH gets given a few bottles from customers each Christmas too but hey, it's the thought that counts and I usually just pass them on to people I know will appreciate them.
What I don't get is the coke addiction, really, it is only a mineral at the end of the day, I know it has caffeine but still...
Eamonn Dunphy reckons that there is no good coke in Ireland. He obviously hasn't tried Pepsi or Coca Cola
So, who's for a BBQ at my place tonight, bring a few cans & discuss our addictions.

Damn and drat, why didn't I see this earlier. I'd def be on for it ( can I have wine instead of beer- I'll bring my own)!

Graham you and I are kindred spirits , and I think I too am fading away for lack of sun.

I gave up smoking for the millenium and had only one relapse a few months later at a seriously smoky party in Kerry when I cadged numerous cigarettes from my old master. Ah the memories. No gimmicks, just cold turkey. Not as bad as you'd expect since I really wanted to do it. Was thinking of going down the 'having kids' route and smoking wasn't going to cut it.

But I don't think I could give up my wine at weekends ( and now and then, after a particularly heavy day, during the week).

I don't really 'go out' any more, social occasions revolve around family get-togethers and friends coming for dinner and vice=versa. If I do go out, I drive and do not drink.
No problem Vanilla although TBH I prefer the vino myself too at the weekend. Nothing better than a nice summer's evening, barbie glowing, some marinaded chicken at the ready and a Catalunyan rosé at hand. Now all we needs is the summer . Have the fading sorted tho'. Just got a pressie of 5 days to Portugal on the b/holiday weekend so factor 15 where are ya . Now, where did I put that corkscrew!
What I don't get is the coke addiction, really, it is only a mineral at the end of the day, I know it has caffeine but still...

I thought that you, but if you start drinking it fairly regularly you do develop a longing for it. I worked with a girl before who would drink 4 litres a day!

Wine has to be french, otherwise Mr.V will adopt an air of Gallic superiority for the evening and take every opportunity to comment unfavourably on the choice. Actually it also has to be white or red, rose apparently is also not acceptable for God only knows what reason. However I am very nice and will make up for the French attitude.
Ditto! Rose for me is only acceptable with a salad. Or, if drinking outside, in very warm weather.
Who ever thought that Rosé would brew up such an international storm. FWIW Torres de Casta Rosado knocks the socks of any Gallic pretender. €10-11 in Dunnes etc. or €2.50 in Lanzarote. My idea is get a cheap AL flight to Lanzy and drink the profits. Yippee. Vanilla, maybe tell Mr V that Rosé is the new red or white ( either will do, the're both Cork Colours ) Nite now.
Alchohol - I would go from one year to the next without touching a drop. It just wasn't my thing.......then I moved to Ireland Seriously, I could give it up and never look back. I do enjoy a night out on the Guiness or Coors Light but it wouldn't bother me.....which leads me to the next point!

Coke (mineral) - I find this harder to give up than cigarettes. I stopped buying it to save a few cents and ended up begging Mr Bubbly to go and buy some. Has to be a tin though.

The smokes. Gave up for a couple of years, smoke at the moment but not enjoying it and thinking to stop. I believe I will very soon. Believe it or not the one thing stopping me is my health gets worse when I'm off them, athsma and sinus problems mostly

A woman i know is addicted to Diet Coke. She drinks 2 litres of it per day-and that's just at work!

For what it's worth, every time I gave up the smokes, I had the sinus/heavy cold thing as well also. However, it disappeared completely after a week or so.

When I smoked, I got a lot of colds etc. Again, when I packed up, it all more or less disappeared.

I love my few pints of porter but, if I could turn back the clock, I'd never have touched a cigarette.
Well done folks.

I quit the fags in February just gone (40 Major / day from the age of 16). Even when I lived in England I had a standing order with pals & family going over and back and non-smoking pals in Aer Lingus.

Not a bad record - I quit "other" substances in the 80's, booze in the 90's, fags in the 00's.

I reckon I'll stop chasing women in the 10's - when I catch up lately, I can't seem to remember the reason for all the running around.
i gave up alcohol several years ago. i didn't make a conscious decision or anything. i just kind of stopped drinking.

to be honest i think i only enjoyed drinking when i was single. These days i prefer to stay home with a dvd or a book. i don't particularly want to have to talk to or see other people. i see enough of them at work!

as for the fags.. i smoke 25 a day but recently have had a horrible cough and sometimes find it hard to catch my breath from coughing. I decided that it's time to stop.

i took my first champix today and intend to finish smoking in week two of the medication. i think i'll do it. everything crossed as i've never tried to stop before.