Anyone been to Riga


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Going to Riga in a couple of weeks, have accomadation sorted in an apartment. Is there anywhere that is particularly good for shopping? Was in Prague a few years ago and couldn't find anything of value. Is there anything/place to avoid. Will be there for four days so will have plenty of time to check out any suggestions.

Going for a Stag there in a couple of weeks so can only check out the beer prices

Last time I checked they were the equivalent of Eur .30c

Not to hijack this thread but if anyone has any other suggestions as it maybe a shooting range or Bobsleigh we may also try
These guys will sort you out for Bob-Sleigh ride. Absolutely amazing experience. If you've lucky you'll get a member of the Latvian Olympic team driving you:
To back-up the previous posters, the shopping isn't up to much at all. The selection isn't great and the prices are pretty much same as here.

As already mentioned, the beer and food can be very cheap. The SkyBar on the 27th floor of the Hotel Latvia Reval is worth a visit for the view alone, you don't need to be a resident to go there. It's one of the more expensive places for drinks, cocktails are around €5!

If you want to splash out on a restaurant, there's a relaxed Italian called "Fellini" (after the movie director) which is decorated in Fellini-esque, lounge style. The food and sevice is excellent but unlike the rest of Riga, it is expensive. There's also a really trendy bar next to Fellini's called "Light".
Just saw your blog about riga. Im heading over with a big bunch of lads for a stag next week. Any tips?

Have heard it can be very dodgy at night with a lot of locals looking to knock heads. Is that a fair picture?
Two mates of mine were in Riga about 4 weeks ago, had only just arrived, left luggage in hotel and were on their way out for food, (in country bout 2 hours and no alcohol taken) jumped on by a group of blokes and beaten up very badly, one will now be out of work for several months as both arms shattered. I know that bad things happen everywhere and people can be unlucky but I have heard from several sources that in Riga especially, groups of lads are just walking around looking for trouble.
Always good to hear. Im going over with 20 lads on a stag for 4 nights on Wednesday. If they have any advise other than staying inside it would be appreciated
the steak is cheap, eat lots of steak

beware of pickpockets and people trying to sheppard you into their 'clubs'

oh ya, and yellow snow.

I'll ask some of the others I went with the names of some of the better nightclubs, had good music and nice locals, and get back.