Anybody used Etenders


Registered User

Has anybody used etenders website to find contracts and is there any place that you can get to view the winning tenders. Sorry if its a silly questions basically just looking for feedback on this site.
Re: Any body used Etenders

I use it but have yet to get one that I have a chance of winning!
You should register on it and then set up a tender alert notice. That way you can be sure that every day if there is a relevant tender of interest, it shows up in your email inbox. It means you don't need to "remember" to log in every day to check
It sends notices of tender alerts as well as awards, so at least you know what types of companies are getting the contracts, but it generally does not disclose the price of the winning bids of such contracts
Re: Any body used Etenders

I feel biggest problem with ETenders is the qualifications that are on every tender both in terms of the number of requirements and the time element that you are required to spend to pull all the information together to send in with the tender.

It should be just a note that you need this information to be successful but why does everyone have to send it in when there is only one winner.

The majority of tenders do not allow for new enterprise as they require min turnover levels, min trading accounts etc etc which are always 3-5 years.

They also imply that only larger organizations will be successful as details of manpower is always a requirement.

I feel if entry to the projects was easier there would be more competition and more enterprises would take off.
Re: Any body used Etenders

'Buyers' are obliged to notify Etenders of the successful candidate that was awarded the tender. If you're signed up, you will receive regualar emails - those marked 'Contract Awards' are successful tenders - click on the link to find out more. Buyers are also also obliged to give you feed back on an unsuccessful tender within 15 days of requesting it.
Re: Any body used Etenders

Couldn't agree more. By default, the public sector's procurement policy is biased towards large multinational firms so young, entrepeneurial firms do not get a look in. Hardly in line with good economic policy
Re: Any body used Etenders

I know that in our industry the multi-nationals sub-contract about 50% of the work to the smaller guys. Thats where we play, although I also use the Alert system on eTenders. nice to see whats coming up for the bigger guys.

Also, the multi-nationals will have a bid team specifically for public tendering; its a LOT of work, and the smaller guy rarely has the bandwidth.
They'll also have a Director for Public Sector relations, who handles the lobbying (not to be confused with political lobbying, but not a million miles away either).
Re: Any body used Etenders

Couldn't agree more. By default, the public sector's procurement policy is biased towards large multinational firms so young, entrepeneurial firms do not get a look in. Hardly in line with good economic policy

This isn't a fair reflection of the situation. Most public sector contracts on eTenders are for multiple years. 3-5 year contracts are common, and some would go up to 10 years.

Stability of supply and continuity are important criteria, as you really don't want to have to come back and retender in the middle of a contract, when your supplier disappears.

This leads to the requirements for size and track record. Supporting young & entrepreneurial firms is great in theory, but it should not compromise security of supply.