Anybody used Al Advisors when buying shares??



I recently got a phone call from a rep from Al Advisors in Switzerland.
Using website, these guys seem to use financial reports to decide where and when to buy shares.
The rep seems to make money on a commission basis where he will make money if and only if the shares you buy gain in price.
There seems to be no charge for you to enlist.
If anybody has used this company to buy shares, I would like to know what you think as I am new to this game....
One very simple question ? Are they licensed to operate in this country by the Financial Regulator ?? If not they are not allowed to sell any Financial Products in this country. How doe you know that they are operating in Switzerland ?? They could easily be operating from a Sweat Shop in Thailand where a number of years ago something similar was broken up and Investors worldwide lost their shirts.

Absolutely no disrespect meant, but the OP is new to AAM and without others offering advice one might be better to steer clear. There is really no easy way to beat the Stock markets -- No matter where you get your tips - Switzerland, Swaziland or Tim Buck Too.
I am new to this game....

Never ever respond to cold calls over share dealing.

As Mercman says, check if they are authorized to operate in Ireland.

Don't even bother. If they cold call you, don't deal with them.

Enough said!
Thanks everybody...

For anyone that is starting with no clue of share trading, what would you recommend...steer clear??
"For anyone that is starting with no clue of share trading, what would you recommend"

A good read of this website would be a great start then take it from there