Anybody got a 'Stoker' stove from Mulberry Stoves


I think it's crazy how people do not obtain certain facts before making statements and causing possible damage to companies reputations. If you have no experience with a product and no factual information on a company then why comment?! Fact is, a lot of these companies have their stove parts made in china and import to Ireland where the product us then manufactured or assembled. These companies provide Irish people with jobs here. So it would be nice for uninformed people to be informed before making these obscene comments .
This bloke is is doing a lot of checking into stoves + other stuff and adding to his blog spot. Definitely worth a read.
Just wondering if you still had your mulberry stoker? And hows it performing for you?

I was in a house this evening and they have one of these (firefront) and they are more then happy with it. They kept their existing back boiler and they say it heats up the rads great.
i use a spray of oven cleaner on a sheet or two of kitchen paper, a quick wipe and its spick and span! Try it...

just use a bit of wet newspaper dipped in ashes from base and it cleans glass like new.