Anybody been to Pompeii?


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Hi All,
I plan to spend at least a few days visiting Pompeii in the summer and was
wondering if anybody could give me any hints as to reasonable, well located

I've checked out for lodgings but it's difficult to tell where is a
good location and where is bad. Any help would be appreciated.

Also, if you've visited there before, how long would you recommend to stay there
for? (I'd have a week at most)

Checkout this website: i found it useful for my trip to rome. you can also use google earth to check location of the hotels.
I've been to Pompeii. It's a wonderful place to visit, but the area is not one I would want to stay in. You can reach Pompeii easily enough by car or bus from Sorrento or Naples - most people would probably choose Sorrento as the base if forced to choose between those two.

A day visiting the Pompeii ruins would probably be enough. If you like this kind of activity you could visit Herculaneum on another day, Vesuvius another day, the Naples sights on another - you could even get in a trip to Capri.

I've been to this area a couple of times, staying in a very charming village called Massa Lubrense.

Enjoy the trip!
We went to Pompeii on a day trip from Naples. Took the local train down, took about an hour. A visit to Pompeii is well advised, it is absoultly amazing, however, staying in Naples is not. I have never been to a bigger kip in my life. We were afraid to walk the streets after about 8 o clock, and the day wasnt much better. We had 9 stops around italy that trip and every stop was brilliant - except for Naples.

We went on to Sorrento after that. It is even closer than Naples to Pompeii and a beatiful little seaside town. All the beaches and at the bottom of large cliffs, with the walkways carved into the cliffs. Regular train conections to Pompeii.
Thanks folks, that's good advice extopia. Is there any particular hotel or
accommodation that you'd recommend? Is Massa L accessible by public transport or
would we need to rent a car to use this village or another small village as a base?
If you're driving to Pompeii, keep a watch out for the unofficial car park attendants who will do all they can to encourage you to park in the carpark of a local cafe in the hopes of making a few extra quid out of you.

I have to say I preferred Naples to Sorrento - I thought Naples had a bit of atmosphere (especially in the old town) - it certainly isn't always pretty but I quite liked it - Sorrento was certainly prettier - but I thought Naples was a more interesting place to visit/stay.
Sorry for hijacking post - have a quick query!!

I'm dying to go to Pompeii, would a day trip there while on hols in Italy be really unsuitable with a baby??
Massa Lubrense is accessible via bus to Sorrento - but I'd have to say I'd want a car to explore the area - the Amalfi coast is readily accessible too! (Driving is not for the faint-hearted though. Rent the smallest - and I really mean the absolute SMALLEST - car you can possibly get away with. The roads are narrow in this part of Italia!)
We took a train from Sorrento for day trip to Pompeii....took about 1hr max. We stayed in the Bristol in Sorrento, pricey but lovely. We stayed at the ruins for most of the day and had it covered at that...but then again, depends how deeply into excavation you are. We both are big into history and had enough in that......we started out reading and identifying all the houses but eventually relaxed into the feel of the place! bear in mind, that a lot of the removable artefacts are safely ensconced in museums in Naples, which we didn't visit......if its not bolted/cemented in place, it'll have been removed...had to use the imagination quite a bit.

Gotta say, one thing you don’t think of in the day of modern conveniences...the loos are on the perimeter. I was BURTSING to go half way through the visit and nearly exploded by time we got to one - I know you wanted to hear that!! That may answer the suitability for a baby question! Unless I missed 'em there are no baby changing facilities inside and the loos were the self cleaning porto loo variety - not sure if any other brick and mortar types there. Also bear in mind that buggies/wheelchairs would struggle for the most part but if a small baby, perhaps sling would be possible and there are open areas where al fresco changing would be possible - bring all with you/away with you though!

We visited in August and it was hot hot hats are a must in the summer....might be stating the obvious but there's little shade. DONT FORGET THE WATER AND SUNSCREEN! We also brought some snacks with us as again, snack places are outside and boy do they know how to charge. A lizard watched us eat.....I’d never seen a live one before!! If you want to hire an audio tour (ear phones) bring your passport for ID...we left ours safely behind in the hotel doh!

I am heading there in June. Anyone any idea what weather will be like then?
Hot! But not unbearable. The hat, shades, sunscreen and water are a must on any outing in southern Italy at that time of year.

By the way, there are good toilet facilities in Pompeii at the entrance complex. Didn't see any portaloos at all!
I was there in August and to be honest it was way too hot... I found Pompeii very difficult as there is nowhere that you can shade from the heat.... I did not get to see it properly becuase of the heat so I would like to go back there again.
We went to italy travelling around a few years ago and a friend who had grown up in rome told us not tot go to Pompeii as it was crowded and parts of the site were sometimes inaccessible. He instead told us to go to Ostia Antica, which is about a 40min train journey out of Rome. Best advice ever...

Ostia Antica is a complete roman town - so much of it is still intact and it was really peaceful (and hot) to roam around. Would totally recommend it! For us it was Romes best kept secret. think the entrance fee was soemthing quite cheap as well.

See the links below for more info...
[broken link removed]
Hot! But not unbearable. The hat, shades, sunscreen and water are a must on any outing in southern Italy at that time of year.

By the way, there are good toilet facilities in Pompeii at the entrance complex. Didn't see any portaloos at all!

well that would have been working backwards for us........portoloos were on opposide side to main entrance! was in no need of a loo at that stage
I do think Pompeii is well worth a visit. It's the only place that was totally preserved in time. Any of the decay is happening now since it's been exposed.

It's amazing to see how developed these people were.

Definitely a difficult place to bring a buggy though if your is your baby is that age.

I was there in May/early June & weather was hot but bearable.
You would do Pompeii in a matter of hours.
Try to incorporate into a day trip with climbing vesuvius