Any using Google Latitude on their Smart Phone? What do you think?


Any using Google Latitude on their Smart Phone? What do you think?

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Friend of mine uses it. I don't fancy it.

Having your movements tracked so closely doesn't appeal to me.

It's another gadget ... will suit some, won't suit others.
I've been using it a few months (May 2010) a find it a very interesting service.

Just checked my history and I've clocked up 8,922 miles so far.
The dashboard ( is very nice and allows you to playback journeys or your travels over time and gives you a nice breakdown of where you've been work/home or out.

I also like the fact it follows you from country to country (if you have data roaming on - v. expensive).

However I do recognise the fact it can be seen as one step to far for "Big Brother", and could be used by some to stalk people. i.e I do not recommend it to be used by people who are not comfortable with people knowing where they are.

So far I have a good few friends family and co-workers on it and we've had no major issues.

All in all I would recommend it to the curious and those who wish to be at the forefront of location based services.
Google are to axe "Google Latitude" in August.

Does any one know of any alternatives?

I used it to keep a detailed record of sites visited and clients met and also used it to find my phone when it fell out of my pocket in a park.
Google now might be of some help to you. It records where you are every few minutes but you can't attach notes or any detail to it.
According to this the real reason Google Latitude was axed was to pave the way for Google Coordinate for $25 month.

A poster on that site articulates what G-latitude did very well "automatic, persistent location updating that can be displayed on Google maps with history".