Any UK forum which discusses property a similar way to AAM?



AAM is very well informed and helpful in the way it deals with property based questions and discussion but is there a similar UK version that anyone knows about?

I am looking for more property based forum (like this forum) rather than generally financial like
Hi PropertyProf,

Ive edited your question a little and given it a more meaningful title.

Its easy to think that AAM is primarily a property discussion group but in fact it is a broadly based financial and information site.

I can see it now Brendan ... golden AAM signs prominently displayed in retail parks in every town in the world.

The possibilities are endless ... you could have AAM bumper stickers ... reusable bags ... pens ...


You might try checking both & - both are UK based forum sites, with good property discussion, although are not specialist to UK property as such. Still, should help you find what your looking for, I hope


ajapale said:
Hi PropertyProf,

Ive edited your question a little and given it a more meaningful title.

Its easy to think that AAM is primarily a property discussion group but in fact it is a broadly based financial and information site.


thanks for that

There are a few I keep an eye on - and (this one is for ultra pessimists) has some good articles quite often and the commentary that goes with the monthly survey on can be interesting.
the only one with any really informed debate in the housepricecrash site which is a bit of a joke, they seem to think that individual losses in valuation on certain schemes or houses equates to a house price crash - if only they knew that house prices are so slow in comparison to Ireland!

any others that you good people have seen???
i'll give that one a go and let you know how I get on